What ives learned recently..
If you have height restrictions; veg for a very short time after super-cropping and topping, I'm really liking the FIM technique to top..(which I just learned)
FIM= Fuck I Missed.
This is done by: instead of actually snipping tops with shears or scissors, you use your thumb and index finger to ” feel” for a” knot” of new growth at a top location.
Feel for the knot, and remove 75-80% of the knot, this creates the same effect as topping, but a portion of the existing growth remains.
I would advise a week or less in veg.
I'm going to do the same for my next run..
My space is a grow tent..
Height restrictions caused a HUGE headache, fighting gigantic colas from getting too close to my light source.
My next run, I'm gonna run more plants, but veg a lot shorter, to take full advantage of the 1000 w I'm using.