Flowering ?

Green Orange

Active Member
Hello, I just put my my plants on 12/12 they stayed on 18/6 for a month and a few days how long will it take until they will flower and be over with ? I think I have a male already it has small balls :? hope I am wrong... Thanks


Well-Known Member
If a fem then about two months from when you 12/12 her,but if it's a male just chop and smoke it.KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!


New Member
8-12 weeks depending on strain. Sorry baout the male bro. Also give about a week for the plant to switch from veg to flower.


Well-Known Member
depends what u have,,,,,,probably 8-14 weeks in flower

if u see multiple balls then its a male...


Well-Known Member
Once you see pistils you've got at least 6 weeks til harvest, then a few more for proper curing, or you could just dry it (NOT recommended) and be done 3-4 days after harvest.