
I'm not much of gardener but I've few pics I can share.

Jade in flower it flowers December to April...
Budleigha _20220511_221605.JPG
Coteneaster (horizontal)
Scottish thistle.
It's name escapes me but the smell is firmly implanted in my memory.
Another Budleigha the butterflies clearly like it.
Peacock butterfly its colour's are spectacular.
Is that the variety called Van Gogh?
I did a whole packet last year but the hale beat them to a pulp before they flowered unfortunately.
These were just black seeds that we feed birds in winter ....they dropped them all over my property, so I just let them go.......that f'ing hale......when a good hale storm hits after everybody's garden is maturing and sheds all the veggie plants, the whole area smells like a tossed salad.
Thanks for reminding me to order flowers guys, I've been looking through catalogues a lot the past few days. I want to plant some flashy big ones, like hydrangeas and peonies. I was thinking of getting one good one of each, then just propagating more with those. I also like the saffron crocus, and will def order those too. You all have some inspiring flowers! My comfrey patch is massive now, and it just keeps blooming, and more and more of those big black bumblebees have shown now they are everywhere in my backyard, and this is the best year I've had for elderberries getting pollinated and forming well. I think it's all because the comfrey brought the bees.

It's kind of hard to see the flowers hanging downward, but there are a lot of them. My plan was to have chopped this down already and used for compost or just mulching the surface with it, but I don't want to mess up the poor bees food source, so I'm just going to leave it.