Fluctuating PPM and PH question!


Hey guys, I am not totally new to TDS/PH readings, but I read somewhere awhile back about what it means when your ppm and pH fluctuates. I think I read that generally when your ppm fluctuates it could mean that either your water in the reservoir is evaporating or your plants are using up the nutrients causing the ppm to rise and sink. Then there are fluctuations with pH. I forgot what it said about your pH fluctuating and would love it if someone can fill it in for me. Please feel free to chime in on this to let me know if this is correct, add in some information, or point me to a thread that explains this Thank you and stay high as a kite!

Bayou bud

Active Member
You want to top off your res each day with water. If your ppms fluctuate then start with RO water from the grocery stores in those 5 gal jugs. Then add nutes in the correct order bit by bit. Test the pH then, then adjust, then test again. And then test the EC and PPM. When you add in pH up or down, if you put too much in at once just pour it out don't try to fix it. That will cause ph fluctuations and bad reactions. If you really are having a bitch of a time then you should go and mix your pH adjustment mix into another water source and mix that in in bits. Sometimes it isn't good to put ph up or down directly into the nutrient solutions. It can cause fluctuations. Make sure to mix in the nutes well at first too.

Bayou bud

Active Member
also, IMO use the ph dropper kits. The readers can be wrong and I nearly lost my whole crop to a meter who was off by two full points, constantly. The droppers will NEVER fail you.