Fluffy, light buds

Red Eye Jim

Active Member
Have an Aurora Indica that was harvested 3rd week in August. The buds have dried and are in mason jars. I noticed that they are really light a fluffy. They look great, but they are light and have a greenish flavor.

Anything I did wrong? :o


Well-Known Member
Could be a couple of things, first you might have harvested a bit too early so that the terpens in the plant haven't matured to give it that "Dank" smell, Might have dried them wrong and even cured them wrong, not sure of your methods.

Fluffy buds are caused by several things. Low light levels caused by lights too far away and or not enough, also CFL and fluoro if used improperly will give fluffy buds.
High temperatures 85F+ can also cause fluff, as can nutrient deficiencies/burn.

Could be many things, we need more detail from you to determine that.


Well-Known Member
did you dry fully until stems snapped?
cause my AI is always dense.
greenish flavor sounds like they weren't dry enough IMO

Red Eye Jim

Active Member
Didn't dry completely until stems snap. REALLY good stuff though. Also tastes a bit green. I soil grow and use General Hydroponics nutrents. I knock them pretty hard with 1200+ PPM. Grow room can get above 84 degreens, but not often.

This is my first dry and cure, so much is to be learned.