Fluorescent grow light on seedlings


Active Member
I am wondering what on/off schedule should be for seedlings. I am using 2 32W T8 flourescent grow light bulbs.

Some say 24/0 - is that correct? Some say 18/6. I am confused!

Also - it would be great if someone could tell me when to change the on/off schedule - Thanks!


Well-Known Member
personally which ever you prefer. I did both 24/0 and 18/6 and my personal findings were that neither one made a huge improvement over the other. I like 18/6 because in nature there is alway a dark period for plants. As far as on/off; what ever schedule works for you. I like it on when I am generally around. However, make sure your off schedule is in fact off, check for light leaks now.


Well-Known Member
Your 2 T8's will be just fine. I used 2 standard 4" shop lights to veg and they grew like crazy. My avitar is one of them at 3 weeks, so there is some proof.


Active Member
Thanks guys! I think I will leave the light on for 24 hrs per day right now because I started them in a temporary room that is not "light proof".

And now - any suggestions when I should move them to the 600 w hps light in the sealed room? And is 12/12 the best on off setting for that?


Well-Known Member
4" ?? ohh typo. He means four foot. The difference between the t's of the bulbs has to do with diameter. Each T is 1/8" diameter. T-8= 8x1/8" or one " diameter. Generally, the smaller the diameter the more efficient the bulb. Most 'Shop Lights, I have seven of them in use, are t-12's and not as efficient as the t-8's you have. Sorry I forgot, what was your question?? I'm assuming these are between 2 and four feet long?? VV


Well-Known Member
i got 2 fluo right now. and it's on from 4pm to 9 am so 14 to 15 hrs. and i got three sprouting right now they seem to love it.


Well-Known Member
i got 2 t8s 32 watt "natural sunlight" and one 100 watt CFL. mine were doing just fine til i overwaterd.


Well-Known Member
4" ?? ohh typo. He means four foot. The difference between the t's of the bulbs has to do with diameter. Each T is 1/8" diameter. T-8= 8x1/8" or one " diameter. Generally, the smaller the diameter the more efficient the bulb. Most 'Shop Lights, I have seven of them in use, are t-12's and not as efficient as the t-8's you have. Sorry I forgot, what was your question?? I'm assuming these are between 2 and four feet long?? VV
Sorry VV, typo. two 4' floro's.


Active Member
I'm growing under 4 f20t12 cool white and warm white set and about 3 weeks into veg. light on 24/7.. so far so good. I'm planning to switch to hps 400w for flowering. saving up the funds.


Active Member
Are there any fluorescent lights that will not do? I have 2 x 2' x 16W and 1 x 2.5' x 20w. These bulbs are around 1.5cm diameter, I have the lights mounted side by side. I only have a couple of sprouts or clones under them at a time(2" above the tops).

When I get a chance I will grab the info from the stickers on the side of the lights and post in here to see if anyone can shed any more light on this(no pun intended). So far things seem to be going OK. but with nothing to measure against, its difficult.
