Flush after cutting?!?!?


Active Member
ok, so I've been experimenting with trichs; testing them at all different levels of cloudy...etc
since I'm on a feeding schedule...I place the tiny stalk in a dark room for a few days with the stem sitting in a cup of water..to flush it out...

well.. I inspected my Jack yesterday... and half of her was about done (more or less 95% cloudy, 5% clear, hint of amber)
so I cut off the 'finished buds" and have the lower ones with immature trichs still on the plant.
Since I haven't actually flushed that plant yet, I did the same thing...

trimmed all the fan leaves off and stuck em in water.
my question is...how long would you do this remote flush?
48 hours? a week? two weeks?

anyone done this before?... I know it's not normal... and should probably be avoided..


Well-Known Member
I have never done it. I dont flush per se, I reduce my nutrients and use plain water for the last couple waterings. I would only flush if I had a toxic salt buildup from over fertilization.

I dont think the water would do anything but add more moisture to the bud. This would only increase drying times and the probability of mold.

If you put a mature bud in a cup of water, It wouldnt survive, it isnt like a standard cutting. A cutting can usually subsist through water drawn directly through the stem but there is very little foliage to support.

There has to be a balance between the size of the plant and its photosynthetic ability and the root system. This keeps the respiration/transpiration balanced and allows for growth.

It would be like cutting the plant soil level and expecting the roots to function normally.


Well-Known Member
There's a lady on YouTube who uses this technique. I would defffinitely not leave my plants in stagnant water for any long period of time; use a bubble-stone if you wanna do it this way. I believe the woman's name is "Sarah Flowers" but her videos are hard to find....... let me do a quick look for ya. **Jeopardy Theme** Got it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoaW9pO7bMA&feature=share&list=PL99000BB4E052CD07 So she doesn't actually do the water flush you mentioned but she explains how she'd do it at around 3:20s - I love this lady, she's stoned out and not super accurate but I love her lol; reminds me of my neighbor when I was a kid. GL!


New Member
For a flushing technique to work the plant need to still be alive, rooted, and growing. Flushing seems to be one of those thing that people have different ideas about. My understanding about it, is this, with no nutrients left in the medium the plant starts to attack itself dropping the storage levels internally. Heavy metals will never be leeched out but allowing it time 7-10 days of fresh water will bring the levels down to a more tolerable level. Don't take my word or anyone else's for that matter, have your product tested and see the results for yourself and then make the decision to flush or not. Good Luck


Active Member
thanks for all the replies!
the ones I did this with stayed alive while in the water, and I was careful to monitor the humidity.
the trichs seem to get a little more amber to them from this...
but..those were all small buds...
I've been changing the larger stalks ones water and will probably hang soon...
just dont want to get a migraine from all the bloom nutes...

it's pretty interesting to watch
the leaves are staying perky and the trichs are getting a more prominent amber tint.


Well-Known Member
There's a lady on YouTube who uses this technique. I would defffinitely not leave my plants in stagnant water for any long period of time; use a bubble-stone if you wanna do it this way. I believe the woman's name is "Sarah Flowers" but her videos are hard to find....... let me do a quick look for ya. **Jeopardy Theme** Got it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoaW9pO7bMA&feature=share&list=PL99000BB4E052CD07 So she doesn't actually do the water flush you mentioned but she explains how she'd do it at around 3:20s - I love this lady, she's stoned out and not super accurate but I love her lol; reminds me of my neighbor when I was a kid. GL!
Yeah, THAT woman. I don't know what I think about her.
I do however uproot my plant and put it in a bucket of pure water with bubble stones. I only do this while I am trimming and harvesting in order to keep it fresher if I don't get done the same day; kinda like putting it in a fridge overnight... ya know?

Anyway, I don't consider this a flush and I've never flushed as I grow outdoors in soil.


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt attempt, if you mold your plant... All that time and effort wasted

i dont really flush either 1 st week i cut the nutes and give it water/molasses then the 2nd week just plain water... But never flushing with gallons of water...


Scientia Cannabis
This sounds like a horrible way to treat your harvest.

You cannot trust the plant cuttings to survive in non-oxygenated stagnant water.

What you can trust to happen is that mold will set in, and fairly quickly as well.