flush or no flush?


Well-Known Member
I have a stupid question.Im groing w/Floranova nutes (grow and bloom) in an ebb and flow system.my medium is coco choir and pea gravel.Im going to be switching to 12/12 light (400 watt HPS)and to floranova bloom.Should i flush before going from grow to bloom?If so,for how long.I want to change light cycles tommorow.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
you should flush every once and a while, do you give 15% run off, . i use canna coco with hesi nutes, i flush about twice a grow, not at all during veg, about 3 weeks into flower and a week before the chop, this is on top of giving 15% run off every feed. i have gone the entire grow cycle without flushing without any dire results, but for the sake of some water you might as well give them a flush followed by your normal nuteing plan, just to keep up with the jones's lol


Well-Known Member
I give my babies almost 30-40% runoff.Ive been told you dont have to flush but always thought it was a good idea.
another thing ,ive only been giving my babies the seedling dosage for grow and theyve done awsome have never uped the nutes but one time and they did not like it.I guess my question is if there thriving do i mess with the nutes

Ganga Grower

Active Member
I never flush in between changing cycles. You are supposed to flush out your plants I would say at least three days prior to harvesting.


Well-Known Member
thanks guys.I guess a little water doesnt hurt anything so ill flush one bucket and leave one alone and see where the ride takes me........... Peace............


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
if your in a good soil with no ferts. in it and you check your ph out the runout and things are great, then no you do not. just go gight to your bloom nutes. good luck

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
in coco, you don't need to flush until the pre-harvest flush. the 10-15% run-off is a flush, but you need this run-off with every feed. if you're allowing 30% or whatever, you're wasting nutes, and could overwater. i know most will tell you that you can't overwater in coco, but you can.