Flush or not to Flush?

I'd have to look back at the study to see if they mention B vitamins in the full tissue analysis. However, it's been proven time and time again that flushing has nothing to do with how plants burn so him saying the B vitamins make it "snap crackle, and pop" is just Ludacris. The study also addressed taste with the testing panel and it was determined that they were all about the same, with the unflushed weed slightly winning out if I remember correctly.

Just like I am teaching my daughter, anyone can post anything they want on the internet. Just because he spouts some sciency-sounding words doesn't make it true. There are all kinds of broscience claims that get thrown around but that doesn't make them true.

Many of us have done real side-by-side tests, with the results showing that flushing is pointless you can't remove things from the plant once you put them in.
Tests on flushing have already been done, the only thing that was found to be different between flushed and unflushed plants (using a mass spectrometer) was flushed plants had slightly lower levels of Fe. Other than that there was no statistical difference in the makeup of the plants. In blind taste tests, most people preferred unflushed cannabis to cannabis that had been flushed. Flushing is for toilets, and is "Broscience" at it's best!
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This study from RX is more backyard than science. Where's the credentials, references or peer reviews? All these are standards required by any scientific research for it to be considered as evidential.

I'm not saying that it's wrong or right just that's it's not science.
This study from RX is more backyard than science. Where's the credentials, references or peer reviews? All these are standards required by any scientific research for it to be considered as evidential.

I'm not saying that it's wrong or right just that's it's not science.
Where’s ANY scientific evidence that flushing is effective?
This study from RX is more backyard than science. Where's the credentials, references or peer reviews? All these are standards required by any scientific research for it to be considered as evidential.

I'm not saying that it's wrong or right just that's it's not science.

The researcher that did the tests, in a very scientific manner, is a credited scientist. She used blind results testing, and scientific method to set up the process. It was not backyard science.
The researcher that did the tests, in a very scientific manner, is a credited scientist. She used blind results testing, and scientific method to set up the process. It was not backyard science.
If it doesn't meet the standards of a scientific research paper it's not science by definition.
If it doesn't meet the standards of a scientific research paper it's not science by definition.

Lmao thats not true at all. Just because I don't write up a fancy paper doesn't mean I can't run a scientific experiment myself and meet all the same standards. From everything I've read it seems like they followed a pretty scientific process for their experiment and testing. Sorry you don't like the format of the report, but it doesn't change the results in this case. It also doesn't change the existing knowledge about botany that you can't remove nutrients from the plants once you put them in.

Look I really don't care what anyone does in their own garden but I don't like seeing random youtube growers getting praised like they are brilliant scientists when they don't understand some of the basics, and aren't even educated on the tests that have been done. That dude was talking out of his ass.
I do a watering of no. Ph’d water (~7.41) a watering of 6.3 and a watering of 5.5 10-14 days prior to harvest, any additional watering are non ph’d . My thought process? Plants take up different nutrients at different ph levels so in my broscience doing this allows the plant to absorb anything left in my medium.

I’ve tried not flushing, I don’t like the end result.
I've been growing since legalization in Canada Feb 18 2018.
I was always under the impression that flushing was necessary. People have recently been telling me not to flush and keep feeding the entire way to harvest.
I have heard not flushing would reslut in the weed not burning properly producing black ash. Im sure there are many other reasons to flush but is there any reason not to flush?
Only flush when you take a shit lol!
Glad I read this thread,won't be flushing my organic six pack.
Before this a friend went on about having to flush,I will be avoiding the flush and just water for the last few weeks without nutes.Used bottled water as well all the way through,about the only thing down in price.