Flush question


Active Member
Hello growers of the world , CG is here:leaf:

so im about to flush my second planet ,
and i been told that i should water her without nutes for two weeks - only if i use chemical nutes , if im using organic nutes - just flush and harvest ...
so my question is - whats the point of flushin and harvest right away ? or have i been misguided ?

thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
The idea of flushing is to remove any remaining fertilizers, nutrients and chemicals(even organic) from the plant. If you feed it even a minor dose you defeat the process. Let the plant suffer a bit at the last, no food for last 1 or 2 weeks, no light last 2 or 3 days, then TIMBER!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Sorta. A flush is to get rid of high amounts of the fertilizer and salts buildup in the soil. The result is a smoother, more purely and evenly burning smoke, and without smoking the remnants of the fertilizers in the buds. Ot's a wat to hit the reset button on your dirt if you really get things fucked up.


Active Member
thanks , i do watered her once with magnesium sulphate , she's an auto..and there's some yellowin goin on

so you suggest i just water her with no nutes for week or two...

in the first plant , same strain ,i've been told to flushed and wait until the soil dry ,
and the soil refuse to dry for like 4-5 days , then i asked about it and been told that it means the plant has entered sinessence or death due to end of life cycle,there is no point in waiting for the soil to dry...

i read on other sites on the web - many people suggest that if you grow organic you can just chop , no flush.
i'm confused

Astral Zoom

Active Member
If I ever flush, I never starve my girls after... Does not make since to do that!!

I keep my regular water / fert schedule up to the "timber" time. BUT i use a LOT more diluted fert ppm. No where near full dose


Well-Known Member
Right, the flush is to reset the soil. Get it too hot, and then you can flush it out, but after it stops dripping, add a gallon of light fertilizer, preferably organic, and then make sure to check the runoff for ph, and let it dry for a while.


Active Member
a'ight the guy in the hydro shop told me :"dont waste time money and water by flushing ,you shoudlnt flush organic , and even if you do - you need to start water with no ferts for a month before harvest cause only after 3 weeks the plant really start to clear up from the nut's. just fert until chop , dont flush."

anyway , i water her with no fert's once and it's been a week , some development on the buds , i didnt receive my loupe yet

more than 70% of the pistils are amber and it's too crowded in the grow room so - im harvestin now



Well-Known Member
For me, flushing is for people that have over fed.
Flushing can be stressful, especially in hydro.
Buds absolutely do not store fertilizer. There is no science to back up flushing.

I used to flush, it is not smart.
Proper feeding, drying and curing is the way to go.


Well-Known Member
Ok ,I have an open mind about this. Up until now I have went by the manufacturers instructions to withhold feeding for 1 week prior to harvest, so far so good as far as results go. Though even then every so often i get a little crack from a joint. Though ,no harshness ,tasty smoke and even burning ..just like once every 20 j's i'll get a little pop.

What i have heard people say is that cracking and popping from a lit joint is magnesium or some shit burning .. makes sense to me.

I am really considering going unflushed to see for myself ,but if i end up with harsh product at the end i will be super super pissed.

Why do Biobizz (my nutes) ,an Organic brand, advise to flush for 1 week. Are they actaully just noobs in the disguse of a large business?


Active Member
Ok ,I have an open mind about this. Up until now I have went by the manufacturers instructions to withhold feeding for 1 week prior to harvest, so far so good as far as results go. Though even then every so often i get a little crack from a joint. Though ,no harshness ,tasty smoke and even burning ..just like once every 20 j's i'll get a little pop.

What i have heard people say is that cracking and popping from a lit joint is magnesium or some shit burning .. makes sense to me.

I am really considering going unflushed to see for myself ,but if i end up with harsh product at the end i will be super super pissed.

Why do Biobizz (my nutes) ,an Organic brand, advise to flush for 1 week. Are they actaully just noobs in the disguse of a large business?
im also using organic [bio-nova] and their recommendation is to stop fert in the last week of flowering , and use only water. nothing said about flush.


Well-Known Member
Buds do not store nutrients, magnesium or otherwise.
Watering soil with plain water is not flushing.
Soil does not need nutes every feeding.
Hydro needs nutes every feeding.


Well-Known Member
Anyone who thinks starving a plant the last week or two is a good idea has no business growing.

Assuming there are nutrients in the buds where do you think they are going to go by flushing? Is there a secret tiny radiator cap at the bottom of each plant?


Active Member
Soil does not need nutes every feeding.
Hydro needs nutes every feeding.
i said it to the hydro shop guy , that i were recommended not to fert every watering , and he said " can you handle 3-2 without food ?" i said no , and he said " so id you cant , why will the plant can?
and i said - cause the food remain there , and the plant eats what she needs when she needs it. he said no , and we start to talk about something else...
i asked him about salts build up in the soil , and the whole flush thing , and he disagreed


Well-Known Member
If you are feeding properly in hydro, there is no need for flushing.
If you are flushing away nutrients because there are too many nutrients, why not just feed less?

I run coco and feed every watering. Coco is inert. With out nutrients plants would die in coco.
I check the ppm before feeding and then after. If the ppm of the run off is higher, then I am feeding too much.

Flushing hydro is for if you screwed up and fed too much.
Even then I would "flush" with a light fert solution. Plain water is stressful for plants in hydro.


Active Member
In my experience with grow shop employees is 90% have no clue what they are talking about no more than you do. They are just a sales person running the store. Stop asking him questions and look up the information from reliable sources online.


Well-Known Member
So why do the nute companies say to give water for the last week then? Perhaps because there is enough nutrients in the soil to last the last week