Flush white widows for how long and when????


I am currently DWC growing two very large and bushy White Widows that are in Week 4 of Bloom and looking beautiful! After much research and debate on the subject, I decided NOT TO TRIM away the large fan leaves, and am simply tucking them in. Pics coming!

What I am trying to learn about now (in order to be prepared) is the flush. I have read some people say flush for two full weeks with nothing but ph'd water, and some people say you are just starving your plants to death at the most important time in their life! Does anyone have any recommendations? How do I know when it's time to start the flush, just by the calendar or by the way the trichs look? Do you start the flush DURING the last two weeks of flowering? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. TY

P.S.: I have done my research, and haven't found a satisfactory answer.:-P


Well-Known Member
dwc. I would only flush for 7 days. when you know for 100 % sure there done very soon then start your flush . if you do it this way your not hurting any yield. and not starving them. some people flush and some people don't. organics most people say its no need to flush . chemical fertilizer you need to flush . there will be a lot of argument on your post. if you want non harsh non bog clogging a smooth smoke your friends and family love flush for the 7 days. it will be plenty to get all that nasty stuff out . trust me. this is what I do .


Well-Known Member
And the other side to that debate.... I never flush. Have before and changed because it was hurting yield a bit and i saw deficiencies. And no noticeable difference between the finished product taste wise. Density was nice on unflushed.

The "chemical taste" comes from not drying/curing your weed enough.

That being said for the very last watering i give just plain water but only because it is the day before i kill the lights for a few days. I also scale back the nutes for the last 2 waterings but no less than 2/3 or 1/2 strength and thats mostly to save a little nutes, especially snow storm ultra cause its pricey.

In hydro, which i dont grow in, ive always seen people do a 3-5 day "flush' and thats the max id ever recommend if your heart is set on flushing.

Give it a try with and without it. Take a clone of one plant you have dialed in, set one up with a 2 week flush, and the other with a day or 2 of water at the end or keep hittin em with nutes till the end. Then dry and cure both properly and i bet you would pick the unflushed as superior and mainly notice no difference in flavor except that the one fed til the end might have more.

Thats just my 2 cents from bein where you are at a long time ago. I did that process and saw the facts laid before me in bud form. Thats why the internet sucks. You cant just throw a bag of "unflushed" buds in someones face and bet em they cant taste "nutes" aka unconverted starches and chlorophyll.


Well-Known Member
Your in a DWC system so you dont need to ask anyones advice. Monitor your ppm and keep notes. You will see how little they eat at the end. I no longer feed til chop in hydro, no point and if you monitor your ppm you will see that. I stop nutes when they stop feeding and finish with plain water as usual.


Jbone77, why do you say, "I don't need to ask anyones advice" because I'm doing DWC? This is MY FIRST EVER GROW, and I have needed advice/research on every aspect so far. I'm just trying to do my homework and not screw up at the end when things have gone so well so far! I DO monitor my PPM's, pH, etc., and keep a log of all the stats.


Active Member
^ that's because you didn't read and don't tell me you have. Dwc or hydro, 3-5 day flush becausr you can change the eater instantly. Soil 10-14 days. Coco 4-7day flush. I dont flush. The bud is still as sweet and smooth as ever per whateveryone tells me. I dont smoke so I couldn't tell you first habd. Just the compliments they give on mine...without a flush. If you're that worried. Dont flush your shit. Then water cure it. Problem solved.


Don't know how to water cure - would have to read up on that, too! What is the "Newbie" forum for, if not newbies with questions????? Peace, brother.


Active Member
Well, if you don't read and ask a question easily remedied by reading just the slightest bit. You deserve every bit of the slam you get. How about read. See if it broadens your horizen.


Active Member
How do you think people remedy their solutions? Do you think every person has had evrry lockout, deficiency, infestation, mold, and disease under the sun in order to tell others what to do? No, they read and learned and could.help others. And for the problems they did get, how do you think they fixed theirs, by reading. I posyed noob questions as well, but mine were always a question followed by what I thought thr answer was. I was looking for reassurance in my ability to diagnose and treat, before I pulled the trigger on treating. Not "omgzorz wuttzzz wrongzz with my plants, weyes everyone get madz at me when I ask questions in the noob section before I even read the noob tutorials.!!!!??? Such assholez who donts wanna help nobodies!!!"


Well-Known Member
Calm down tall straw. Flushing is one of those things that theres so much information and misinformation and few people know the difference. So to a newb it can be confusing reading one thread that says flush for x amount of days another that says dont flush and another that say flush for z amount of days. It can be very confusing. Its not like hes asking how to clone or shit like that. Hes asking one of the most debated things on this forum next to defoliation (DONT DO IT!!!)

So cut him some slack.

And Joti, try flushing this first time for a week or 2 and the next go around dont flush at all. Try to use the same clone or strain to get best results. Its really the only way to know for yourself. Youll have good bud either way so dont worry. It wont effect potency/flavor too much, mostly just weight and some density possibly.

If youve made it to the point youre curious about flushing then youre good enough to finish it off. haha

Good luck.


Bubbro18 - Thank you for the advice and luck. Thanks for telling tallstraw to calm down. And for the record, I have read until I am blue in the face with all the threads on here going back and forth just like you said, especially on something like trimming fan leaves (I recently came to the conclusion not to trim), flushing, etc.


Well-Known Member
Bubbro18 - Thank you for the advice and luck. Thanks for telling tallstraw to calm down. And for the record, I have read until I am blue in the face with all the threads on here going back and forth just like you said, especially on something like trimming fan leaves (I recently came to the conclusion not to trim), flushing, etc.

No problem. Good choice to keep the leaves. Like i said if you made it to the point you are than youve probably read enough and flushing is a bitch of a subject. Stay positive and keep it goin. Start a grow journal and give the info back to the community. Thats what i do now. haha


Well-Known Member
my personal experience from my first grow leads me to believe that in some cases flushing is indeed necessary though many people do not flush at all. in my case, my fan leaves were nice and green and healthy to the end and i had to cure the harvest for a really long time(months) to get tasty smokable buds. they have always had potentcy though. i think i was feeding too heavily too so that might have sumpin' to do with it. i grew in soil and felt pots and there was a lot of salt build up on the bottom. to see how this works, i have decided to stop feeding now(about 3-4 weeks to harvest) and hope just water and molasses from here on out will allow the plants to consume more of the chlorophyl and decrease my cure time. good luck!


Tallstraw, YOU'RE FUNNY!!! You're the exception - everyone else has been really nice!

In the future, if you don't like the question I ask, don't bother posting a reply! I am not a child, and therefore, I do not need to be reprimanded by you or anyone else.