

Well-Known Member
ya, i thought if u grow in 5 gallon pots u flush with 10 gallon ov water.

wots the ph ov ya tap water.


Active Member
i do admit they do look nice!!!:weed::weed::weed:.
I dont know the ph of my tap water i cant afford a ph meter!!!!!!! i live in portland and were supposed to have some of the best tap water here, but that doesent mean the ph is good. Neway wat the hell do i do to get 160 gallons of clean water to flush with, im not gonna pay 160 bucks for water!!! any ideas pleaseeeeeeee


Well-Known Member
I dont know the ph of my tap water i cant afford a ph meter!!!!!!! i live in portland and were supposed to have some of the best tap water here, but that doesent mean the ph is good. Neway wat the hell do i do to get 160 gallons of clean water to flush with, im not gonna pay 160 bucks for water!!! any ideas pleaseeeeeeee

go get some distilled water for a dollar a gallon..it should be around that price and the ph on distilled is a 7.0 so if u do that u should be good


Well-Known Member
now then doobie i av a ph kit which cost pennys u should b able 2 get 1 from any local grow store.


Well-Known Member
i quess here in britain we r pretty lucky r hard tap water is 6.5, we do not realy have 2 do anyhting 2 it


Well-Known Member
I don't get why ph would mater in the end flush. your tying to get rid of nutes in the soil so your plant stops getting them. so what if you get a little lock out at the end. is there something I'm missing?