flushing and blooming nutrient help


I was just wondering that my plant should be ready to harvest in about 2 weeks or a little less and i gave it, its last feeding today. Will the plant have enough nutrients to flower completely in those two weeks without the fertilizer? im using miracle grow bloom booster. Please any needed help is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I flush for a week, some flush a couple weeks, some don't flush at all. hehe So, what medium are you growing in?


im using peralite. Miracle grow moisture control soil. I was reading that if you dont flush 2 weeks before that the fertilizer stays in the plant unprocessed and this causes the buds to pop when they are smoked from the salt that is in the fertilizer. Is it necessary to flush 2 weeks before?


Well-Known Member
I flush for 1 week, it all depends on how well you cure the bud. It is possible to not flush at all and with a good cure come out w/ smooth nice tasiting smoke.


New Member
if your dead set on flushing the i would flush 4 days prior to lights off or chop most ppl that flush 2 weeks prior to chopping imo are taking away nutrients in the most crucial time when buds are packing on the weight you flush when you have a salt build up no need to flush for a harvest its a MYTH :hump:


Active Member
I bought mgro by mistake, i fertilized on top of that shit. My dope was horrid, fucking nutes. Wrince/flush the shit out of your plants, go 3-4 times 4wks then molassis, at 2tlbs per 1 gal for 2wks reg water. Your buds will still get enough vitamins from the molassis, you'll probably need to cure it too.


imm so confused loll do i just flush when theres salt build up? and if thats the case, how do i know if theres salt build up? is it okay if i just flush 5 days berfore?