Flushing = better?


Well-Known Member
Classic troll thread, I dont know whether to give it 1 star or 5 stars. Thanks for getting the word out on flushing, its a sorely under discussed topic here.


Active Member
I recently grew some perfectly terrible lettuce in my grow room. *flash* I didn't flush my plants before harvest! *gasp*

Oh wait, that's stupid.


bud bootlegger
if flushing made any sort of difference in the taste like people say it does, everyone would flush because quite frankly, who wants crappy tasting buds?? no one i'd think...
but the fact is, it makes absolutely no difference to the taste, therefore the great debate goes on.. think about it, like i said, if it really made a huge difference, there would be no debate, everyone would simply flush.. but that's not how it is, because, well, flushing is complete horse shit.