Flushing Organic Grows


I'm doing my first grow. Nirvana WW. 5 plants. They've been flowering under 600W HPS and are in their 10th week. I have been checking trichs and they are about 80% cloudy, 20% clear. Haven't found any amber yet. I think over the next 6 days, these are going to be just right for me.

My question is the same one I've heard argued about back and forth here but I have never been able to get a good idea of what is the right thing for me to do because every thread migrates before I can make my own decision. So I'd like to ask it one last time for my sake.

I plan on giving my plants one more feeding between now and saturday. I have two options: 1) nice tea full of lots of good stuff for them to finish out their life strong and contribute to bud production or 2) water and molasses.

I'd prefer to go with option 1 because these plants are droppign leaves like crazy and I'd like to see if they can hold on to them for 6 more days. But if that's a bad idea because that's not "flushing" before the harvest I'd like to know from those with plenty of experience.

So is flushing my organic grow really necessary or should I give them a healthy tea tomorrow with high P quano and molasses?


Active Member
U dont need to. I would just feed water the last couple days in organic. Shit, House and Garden only recommends just water for the last three days. Ive flushed and not flushed organics and no diffrence. Trust me.


Active Member
Organics are different than chemical ferts because your not really feeding the plants, your feeding the micro organisms which die and then make the nutrients available to your plants. With chemical ferts, there is no microheard and you are pretty much main-lining the nutrients to the plant and they are available immediately. With organics flush isnt necessary because the nutrients you poured in the soil arent actually being absorbed by the plants. All you have to do is give it plain water for 1-2 weeks so it can use up whatever nutrients are left but *drowning your plants in water is completely unnecessary

trichlone fiend

New Member
I personally do not "flush" when I grow organic. I use compost teas up until week 5-6, then I "leach", meaning I only water w/ molasses for the last 3 weeks or so. I do not believe one could flush out all the bat shit anyhow even if you wanted to. Flushing, imo, is meant for hydroponic grow to rid the chemicals. Good luck.


Thanks fellas. That's what I decided to do. Water and Molasses yesterday. Then a last bit of pure water tomorrow, then coast to the finish line saturday morning.

Appreciate the input.