Flushing question, no debates please.

I never taste chlorophyll because i have a proper fade at harvest....i can smoke my gear after only 3 days of hang time when wet in a pipe if i want....and do so to try a taste.......smooth as silk......i dont need to wait 3 months to smoke...if flushing is for toilets then curing is for smoked meats....

That is a technique to get weed ready for sale quickly. And it works because you are right. Curing is mostly to get rid of the excess chlorophyll.

But much of the thc has not converted to a psychoactive type in that short time. This happens over time.

And I have strains that are delicious right out of the drying closet but they are better in 3-6 weeks.

A week dry and a couple days in the jar from a harvested fully green plant and no patient has ever complained about the smoke anyway.

I am after the highest quality and the more complex canabanoid production happens at the end of ripening. So I don't want to chance deficiencies.

Haze heavy strains seem to stay harsh longer than berry type indicas.

You nailed it and I am not arguing your method. Fading is to reduce chlorophyll at chop time.

I just want to add that in my testing. The faded plant always had lower potency and ultimately smell and flavor. It was just smoother sooner sometimes depending on strain. So I taper my nutes down to the end. And try to feed only what they need and not "pump" the plants with fertilizer.
:wall:See, this is the negativity i speak of. Its a difference of opinion and nothing more. It has nothing to do with someone knowing or not knowing how to grow, dry, cure, etc.. There is no science to back up either claim and both sides have determined that their way is the best. I have never seen such a nasty, hard headed bunch of assholes as i have had the displeasure of meeting here. From my first post where some simple minded douche bag couldn't possibly believe that in 20+ years of growing that i had never encountered a hermie nor that i could possibly have my shit dialed in to my last post which this will be.

From the entire channel 4 newsteam, i'm Veronica Corningstone. ... And im Ron Burgundy, go fuck yourself roll it up.


You have never had a bag seed in 20 years of growing?

And yes. There is actual plant science. It just is not being applied much here.
No there isn't. To date, as far as anyone in any forum can show, there has never been a true study on flushing done with controls in place. It's always been a pissing contest of "show me something to back up your claims". No one has provided that becuase such a study has never been done. So without the "proof", this will be an endless battle. Hence me asking to not have the debate start up again on my thread. Who fuckin cares what you non flushing guys think, because once again you can't prove yourself right, or me wrong for that matter. My original question was quite obviously not directed at you, but at someone who flushes their crops. Only someone who flushes could possibly have valuable input regarding the question i asked. I have tested and chosen my side, you have supposedly tested and chosen your side. But hey, lets all get all nasty and start putting people down for not doing things our way. Ya'll act like a bunch of douche nozzles and argue like bitches over this topic, but nobody will take the time to really prove it one way or the other. I personally dont need someone to prove anything to me since ive seen and tasted the difference for myself. Pretty much 'nuff said at this point..