Flushing Question


Active Member
I peeps, firstly wanna say that I had been using straight tap water to feed my plants, now I live in a major urban city and the warm water had a cloudy appearance to it, I had since decided that it would be better to boil the water for a short while and then running it through a brevia filter to remove impurtities, I got myself a ph tester and the water was coming out at 7.5, however after boiling and filtering the water the ph dropped down to 5.7/5.8, now to get the optimum ph of 6.5 ive been adding a dash of bio - silicon by plant magic and it works a treat, peeps the question I wanna ask is that im now close to flushing, how can I increase the ph slightly without any additives that would interfere in the taste of the final product, I wanna be able to get the most out of my organic nutes by getting the flush right, all advice appreciated thanks

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
Are you growing in hydro? Flushing is for hydro and toilets. If you have been bottle feeding her with organic nutes, just use straight tap water the last couple waterings.


Well-Known Member
You might wanna check that bottle....
What brand are your bottled organic nutes... I'd like to buy some for myself....

  • If you have been bottle feeding her with organic nutes,​

Flushing agreed... waste of time...
Last week if you must, plants hardly up take... just using water is not a bad idea...
It's really a personal thing...


Well-Known Member
You might wanna check that bottle....
What brand are your bottled organic nutes... I'd like to buy some for myself....

Flushing agreed... waste of time...
Last week if you must, plants hardly up take... just using water is not a bad idea...
It's really a personal thing...
The organic nutes in a bottle is a joke right?
Organic.... in a bottle... why that's an Oxymoron....


Organic nutes are synthetic to a point but derived from organic sources as most chemicals. When they say organic it only means derived from organic materials and cyanide is technically organic as it is a biological derivative. Now keep in mind they have to be preserved in some way, so flushing is good for at least one week but thats just me i dont trust the term organic which is why i stick to my compost teas and shit i make myself from the dick of this earth. Thats my term for organic but usually i test weed without flushing and dry it for one week and make shure it burns ashy gray and not black which shows nutrient buildup, otherwise cheers bio silicon doesnt sound organic lol.

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
The organic nutes in a bottle is a joke right?
Organic.... in a bottle... why that's an Oxymoron....
You know this is in the newbie section right, not organics. No need for debating this subject in here. There are plenty of companies offering ormi approved bottle nutes. Your definition may be different.


He is not debating just offering his perspective, doesn't hurt to think about the two sides and since this is the newbie section he deserves to know and choose on his own mate, toke up don't get hostile :hug:

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
He is not debating just offering his perspective, doesn't hurt to think about the two sides and since this is the newbie section he deserves to know and choose on his own mate, toke up don't get hostile :hug:
I wasnt trying to be hostile, trying to prevent this thread from going that way actually. I'm sorry you took it that way. I've seen a bunch of threads derailed because of difference of opinion on what is true organic.


Well-Known Member
Im hostile.
If you diddnt grow the food that fed the
donkey that took the shit its not organic.
Especially if it is sold in a container.
In fact you must catch it in your own hands or you are stupid and a bad person.


Well-Known Member
Is OMRI no longer enough to be considered organic? What if it's Clean Green certified too?