flushing too late? reply ASAP


Active Member
I only just started flushing on thursday and they were looking ready on friday ,i want to chop them now but don't want to sacrifice the quality from not having properly fluched what should i do?


Well-Known Member
Judgement call. Did you feed with organic or chemical nutes? Some folks say 2 weeks flush, some say 5 days to a week. Personally, I don't think flushing does a whole lot far as the finished product, wit the possible exception of chemicals. I flush mine 5-7 days before harvest just because I was using Beasty Bloomz and Cha Ching


Active Member
ok, well I'm only using general purpose plantfood 3:3:3 sou you think it will be okay if i just cut them down with say one last flush?


if i used regular miracle grow during veg (24/8/16) and then miracle grow bloom booster in flowering ( 15-30-15) do i need to flush? i last fed them 5 days ago and it has rained since.

p.s. i know miracle grow stuff aint the best but it is my first grow.


so miracle grow isn't bad to use then? i feel a lil better now. i never over do it with mg, use a lil bit, once every ten days.. especially after hearing nute burn stories