Flushing water catch for fabric pots?

I have those, great idea. I take one and put it in bathtub then water away with plant on the stand.
The 13" one fits 5 gallon fabric pots.

I use a tray like these to collect water when just doing normal watering as they fit the tray perfect for 13"
and gives air movement under bottom of grow bag which i think helps.
I just use a plant saucer that's about 2 sizes bigger then my fabric pot. Give a good inch or 2 on both sides to allow the water to catch it. Mine has groves so they don't suck it back up too. Paid like 2$ each

during flush I have separate ones with holes poked in and I rest them on a deeper bin that's just abit smaller in width so the edges stay

Edit: forgot half my post
Wondering if anybody makes a product that will catch the water when flushing a plant in fabric pots. Not a drain table but something small for in a tent under a 3-5 gal fabric pot. Something like a round plastic riser with small holes in it and a basin under the holes to act as a catch when putting 2-3 gal. of water through a 3-5 gal fabric pot when flushing. Ideally with a small pump in it to extract the water back out to throw in the toilet and avoid fungus gnats.
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