Flushing... what method is recommend?


Well-Known Member
I have 4 grape ape plants and i want to flush them, because i think i over nuted them. So i was going to flush them and then use straight distelled water. But what method should i use to make sure they are correctly flushed?

Thank you


Active Member
I thought flushing was right before harvest to make the plant use up the nutes that it already has avalible.


Well-Known Member
Flushing is right before you harvest its so your smoke don't taste funny, but thinking that your going hydro just drain all your water get how ever much distilled you need mix's your nute's your using and if its higher than 6.2 yea your using to much. You usually want your pH for hydro from 5.8-6.0 is good and if you don't have a pH meter you need one to check your pH almost every day cause if it goes up their feeding if it stays like that then your good.


Well-Known Member
If you gotta flush the nutes out use 2-3 times the amount of water the pot could hold if it had nothing in it. Just let the water drain out the bottom, and don't water or feed afterwards.


Well-Known Member
yeah, hold it under a running faucet until it runs (literally free-flowing) out the bottom. you are actually dumping the dirt of ALL the crap you stuffed into it. so a good soaking is required here. leave it the hell alone! don't do that ever again, or we'll just have to put you into a corner and revoke your Mj growers card got it? good:P


Well-Known Member
Got it, thanks. " nobody puts baby in the corner" Thanks for the advice, wont happen again... at least during this grow


Well-Known Member
so i understand completly, i pour water right in the pot and it will run through the soil and out the drainge holes using about 3 pot fulls of water. Should i get distilled? that what i water them with anyways. is it neccessary to do this more than once?


Well-Known Member
huh...i had that on one of my bigger plants (the discoloration), but all i did was stop nuting for about 2-3 feedings and used mineral water (bottled water)...cleared them up real nice. I simply trimmed off any dried leaves and its nice and strong now, actually it started flowering last week. But if u went past the point of help....flush them.

As for water...doesn't hurt to use distilled. That way u won't get any of the crap in tap water stuck in the soil particles.


Well-Known Member
I was actually nervous about flushing them. i had decided i was going to do like you said and just feed straight distilled for awhile. Maybe hit it with nutes every 3 or 4 waterings.


Well-Known Member
worked for me! my plants bounced back pretty fast. I just trimmed off any dead leaves from the BOTTOM...not top...don't wanna severly hurt anything...but the shrivelling bottom leaves are ok to trim (as long as they're fan leaves and not like branches with bud sites)...Its normal for plants to shed bottom leaves natrually anyway.

I mean give it a shot, just try doing what I recommended...if u see no improvement THEN flush them....