Flushing....Whats your technique?

That is my point, Regardless of what it looks like, it would be looked down on. Looks are not everything my friend. I too have plenty of sexified pix & grown plenty of dank. ;)

Flushing in soil takes loner than hydro imo you can get away with several days to a week of plain water with hydro and be fine.. with no leaves falling off.

That was what I was trying to point out, many people grow dank bud that looks amazing.. many have diff opinions on flushing. Unflushed bud looks no prettier than flushed bud when properly cured ^_^..thus when the Question is Asked.. what will you say. :O
Why lie for a pointless reason. Do you believe feeding till the last day will make that bud more potent than had it been fed with water the last wk or two. Because once you begin feeding water, there are still nutes in the soil so that could be considered feeding less towards the end.. & the last wk or few days would be Mostly clean soil. It's not like when you are two weeks out and begin watering plain water, BAM the plant is starving and losing its ability to grow.. The plant finishes up what is in the soil then moves onto the fan leaves. I consider that flushing, & the plant still getting nutes but at a less amount. Perfection :D

& you CAN smell the diff in Hydro if one was to use the Full line of AN to the last day full stregnth It smells chemmy..which some mistake as being "potent".

But that's what it means in hydro. Two weeks in, bam, no nutes, bam the plant is starving and feeding on itself. That's hydro, though. I already made the comment that the two (hydro and soil) should be treated differently on this topic.

The gradual nute reduction with hydro that I'm doing is probably pretty analogous to pouring water in soil the last week or so. So when you think about it, we're doing the same thing in different mediums. It's just a matter of semantics at this point.
That is my point, Regardless of what it looks like, it would be looked down on. Looks are not everything my friend. I too have plenty of sexified pix & grown plenty of dank. ;)

Flushing in soil takes loner than hydro imo you can get away with several days to a week of plain water with hydro and be fine.. with no leaves falling off.

That was what I was trying to point out, many people grow dank bud that looks amazing.. many have diff opinions on flushing. Unflushed bud looks no prettier than flushed bud when properly cured ^_^..thus when the Question is Asked.. what will you say. :O

You're being unrealistic, dude. No one is gonna poo poo on my bud. Why? because in the real world, people are realistic and don't give a fuck about a flush as long as your shit looks and smells killer. Let's be real. Most heads in the scene don't even know what a flush is.

I've been vending to snobby fucking LA shops for years. Guess how many times a buying shop has asked if I flushed? You got it. Zero. "Regardless of what it looks like?" Now you're talking out of your ass. How else do those skeptical fuckers you're trying to vend to evaluate your bud? That's right. Appearance, aroma, and maybe a light squeeze of a nug or two. They can't smoke it right then and there. So I'm calling that you're pretty much bullshitting. And even if they did take a hit right there on the shop floor, that still doesn't tell a person immediately what finishing process the bud underwent.

That's like saying a shop manager will say, "I'll take this one that looks shitty and heat-stressed and has hardly any crystals because it was flushed. That super dense frosty shit that wasn't flushed I don't need."

Let's take a vote. How many people would refuse my bud because it wasn't 'flushed' by Raw's definition of it? I'm waiting...

Wait just a minute. You're instructing me on hyroponic growing now? After I said I stopped flushing through direct physical evidence that it was hurting my plants? You're stepping out of line real quick.
Which is why I ask, do you really believe that darker shade of green fan leaves will leave you with More Potent Bud? When talking about days to a week of growth. I highly Doubt the Effects of the THC would/could be detected by even a lab when comparing a 1wk flushed compared to a non flushed. So when if it comes down to people just "thinking" they are smoking cleaner bud. Why not. It is the way it is, some people don't mind a mite or two.. Clinics will put your Bud on the BIG SCREEN TV and POINT OUT EVERY FLAW.
Because keeping your leaves green keeps photosynthesis at its highest possible level? Why lower the effectiveness of what your plant uses to make food? For what is a glorified "feel good factor"?

I personally have not noticed a diff in my bud when using soil from 1wk to a 2wk flush of plain water+ molasses. But I have had a fellow grower show me a batch of Bud he Regretted not flushing in Hydro. He fed full serving of AN till the chop day & it was not the same as his last batch of the same bud. It smelled more chemically, many smokers who diddn't know better would mistake it as being Super dank gasoline smell.. which was not the case.
Which is why I ask, do you really believe that darker shade of green fan leaves will leave you with More Potent Bud? When talking about days to a week of growth. I highly Doubt the Effects of the THC would/could be detected by even a lab when comparing a 1wk flushed compared to a non flushed. So when if it comes down to people just "thinking" they are smoking cleaner bud. Why not. It is the way it is, some people don't mind a mite or two.. Clinics will put your Bud on the BIG SCREEN TV and POINT OUT EVERY FLAW.

I personally have not noticed a diff in my bud when using soil from 1wk to a 2wk flush of plain water+ molasses. But I have had a fellow grower show me a batch of Bud he Regretted not flushing in Hydro. He fed full serving of AN till the chop day & it was not the same as his last batch of the same bud. It smelled more chemically, many smokers who diddn't know better would mistake it as being Super dank gasoline smell.. which was not the case.

He fucked up because he gave it too much at the end, not because he didn't give it nothing at all.
i will flush my soilless or soil when its come to def issues that i fucked up by overfeed. I dont flush for harvest...like lordjin i do graually nutes down every water before i harvest.

You are correct, I was referring to soil. Hydro will visibly decline & die off fast with 2wks plain water. O_o
But that's what it means in hydro. Two weeks in, bam, no nutes, bam the plant is starving and feeding on itself. That's hydro, though. I already made the comment that the two (hydro and soil) should be treated differently on this topic.

The gradual nute reduction with hydro that I'm doing is probably pretty analogous to pouring water in soil the last week or so. So when you think about it, we're doing the same thing in different mediums. It's just a matter of semantics at this point.
His solution was to go back to plain water for several days to a week. :)
Trying to find the perfect calculation of how much to add within that week as to keep the leaves green yet not smell funny.. seems like pointless wrk. :) its only a week, & there is MORE than Enough Energy stored in the plant to finish up over several days.
He fucked up because he gave it too much at the end, not because he didn't give it nothing at all.
It's kind of rediculous to argue flushing increases or decreases anything because whenver side by side no one can tell. I thought the argument was on taste? Which is also rediculous to argue if flushing improves taste or not. because NO ONE! can tell a blind taste test difference. and when you truly do one not just say you do then you will understand. I bought into flushing because "thats what all the cool kids did" untill I started taking matters into my own hands. After 3 seperate tests with almost the exact same variables for every plant (or atleast everything I could control) Everytime someone does a blind tasting you know what i get.... "Uuhhhh man idk there all good" I get people guessing the bud that isn't flushed is and the one that is isn't. It's a fucking plant, like every other living fucking plant. nothing new or special about it
I wouldn't call it bad. ^_^ I call it, info nobody is certain of. So why not play is safe & make things less complicated? Like Less is More, especially when it comes to new growers.
I understand if a vet has his strain dialed in, & he knows exactly how much to feed and what his plant can take to produce the best buds.. But for someone beginning a new strain or growing all together, I do not understand why anyone would tell them not to flush. Assuming there grow was not PERFECT, I would play it safe & run some clean water past those roots before chop.
So thats like the 100th person who said they cant tel the difference..

I think ima at least water a few purified water thru my plats before chop like rawbud said! :)

So thats like the 100th person who said they cant tel the difference..

I think ima at least water a few purified water thru my plats before chop like rawbud said! :)


That's the only way to find out what works because none of these assholes not even me (yes an asshole too) knows what works best for you nor what taste you prefer. note that I've grown out plants before and not flushed two of them and they both tasted different. Their is alot more to a buds taste than we know, and flushing is just the first attempt to understand.
How exactly do organic and chemical nutrients differ once absorbed by the roots? Is organic Nitrogen not Nitrogen or something? Is organic phosphorous not phosphorous?

Exactly See Below

Organic is great if youre "into" that sort of thing, but it's way overhyped. I find it an inexact, slow delivery system for nutes, some people like it more, but the plant ultimately uptakes and utilises the same elements in the same way regardless of whether it came from shit or from a rock.

Phosphorus(III) compounds

Phosphine (PH[SUB]3[/SUB]) and its organic derivatives (PR[SUB]3[/SUB]) are structural analogues with ammonia (NH[SUB]3[/SUB]) but the angles at phosphorus are closer to 90° for phosphine and its organic derivatives. It is an ill-smelling, toxic compound. Phosphine is produced by hydrolysis of calcium phosphide, Ca[SUB]3[/SUB]P[SUB]2[/SUB]. Unlike ammonia, phosphine is oxidised by air. Phosphine is also far less basic than ammonia.
All four symmetrical trihalides are well known: gaseous PF[SUB]3[/SUB], the yellowish liquids PCl[SUB]3[/SUB] and PBr[SUB]3[/SUB], and the solid PI[SUB]3[/SUB]. These materials are moisture sensitive, hydrolysing to give phosphorus acid. The trichloride, a common reagent, is produced by chlorination of white phosphorus:
P[SUB]4[/SUB] + 6 Cl[SUB]2[/SUB] → 4 PCl[SUB]3[/SUB] The trifluoride is produced by from the trichloride by halide exchange. PF[SUB]3[/SUB] is toxic because it binds to haemoglobin.
Phosphorus(III) oxide, P[SUB]4[/SUB]O[SUB]6[/SUB] (also called tetraphosphorus hexoxide) is the anhydride of P(OH)[SUB]3[/SUB], the minor tautomer of phosphorous acid. The structure of P[SUB]4[/SUB]O[SUB]6[/SUB] is like that of P[SUB]4[/SUB]O[SUB]10[/SUB] less the terminal oxide groups.
Mixed oxyhalides and oxyhydrides of phosphorus(III) are almost unknown.
Organophosphorus compounds

Main article: organophosphorus compounds
Compounds with P-C and P-O-C bonds are often classified as organophosphorus compounds. They are widely used commercially. The PCl[SUB]3[/SUB] serves as a source of P[SUP]3+[/SUP] in routes to organophosphorus(III) compounds. For example it is the precursor to triphenylphosphine:
PCl[SUB]3[/SUB] + 6 Na + 3 C[SUB]6[/SUB]H[SUB]5[/SUB]Cl → P(C[SUB]6[/SUB]H[SUB]5[/SUB])[SUB]3[/SUB] + 6 NaCl Treatment of phosphorus trihalides with alcohols and phenols gives phosphites, e.g. triphenylphosphite:
PCl[SUB]3[/SUB] + 3 C[SUB]6[/SUB]H[SUB]5[/SUB]OH → P(OC[SUB]6[/SUB]H[SUB]5[/SUB])[SUB]3[/SUB] + 3 HCl Similar reactions occur for phosphorus oxychloride, affording triphenylphosphate:
OPCl[SUB]3[/SUB] + 3 C[SUB]6[/SUB]H[SUB]5[/SUB]OH → OP(OC[SUB]6[/SUB]H[SUB]5[/SUB])[SUB]3[/SUB] + 3 HCl"

You see what you don't seem to understand is how proteins work. Protein molecular structures that potentially require several precursors to form inside a cell. When you take just any P, you then need to perform several steps to convert it to a molecule that is usable to form plants structures. You end up using more sugar ATP/Ect to do the same task as if it was organic P, which can be hydrolyzed to make P acid to form several compounds of the plant. Organic will leave less bi products as key steps and processes in metabolism is Already DONE!

You're way oversimplifying what I said there man. I said reduce ferts at the end because the plant uses less ferts at the end than it does at peak flower.

And flushing is stupid, just don't overfeed (burn foliage) and dry/cure properly. It'll end up the exact same product.
Let me hit you with a simple one, try quick drying some of your "flushed" weed and smoke it. It'll be exactly the same as the unflushed, cos your smoothness and taste come from slow drying and curing.

Flushing is a means of improving taste of air cured bud. and I whole heartily believe in at-least reduced 10-25% ferts at the end.
I have tasted unflushed bud, Nasty

I know people that grow and there shit is full of ferts.

I guess i have super powers to be able to tell the difernts.

why does the guy that runs the compasion club want everyone to flush there grow? i complaned about the un flushed bud, and he agreed and gave me my money back and started not buying unflushed bud.... I guess he has no idea what he is talking about... LOL yaeh right. lol

I can tell when i get black ash and it pops and burns my thort

I know for a fact that if you keep feeding full streath till the end, it will leave black ash, pop, and hurt your thort, or maybe i am the only one that it bothers
There is a potential taste difference that I have noticed between flushed and unflushed buds. The unflushed buds have more clorophyl as the plant has not started feeding off itself or isn't doing so as heavily and photosynthesis has not slowed down. When you flush, you deprive the plant of the nutrients that it needs to continue healthy growth. Because the plant has begun it's senesence (as annuals do) it feeds off of the stores "leaves" to get the nutrients that it needs. As part of this process photosynthesis is slowed. The plant won't grow as vigourously and chlorphyl production is greatly reduced.

I have found that very green buds from plants that were very green (not flushed) need to be cured very slowly and carefully to remove all of the chlorophyl while plants that I have harvested that have been flushed and therefore aren't as green and don't have as much chlorophyl production are a bit smoother with a faster cure.

After a proper month of curing, I can't tell the difference anymore, so I stopped flushing and now just cure longer. The greener, healthier plants in the end produced bigger, stronger buds. Curing or Flushing...Curing. Flushing is for toilets.