

after i flush how long do i wait to start adding Nutrients? this is my first grow im 3 wks into flowering ,all is going good. i thought i would give them a flush. i have learned alot from all your help on this site and so far i have had no problems with my grow. thanks all for the help.


Well-Known Member
I suppose everybody has their own methods, but I always flush them down under 100PPM, so I give them a 1/2 strength feeding afterwards, along with some root enzymes. I don't think it would hurt if you didn't give them anything, but, being that they're building flowers right now, I would give them some fert.


I suppose everybody has their own methods, but I always flush them down under 100PPM, so I give them a 1/2 strength feeding afterwards, along with some root enzymes. I don't think it would hurt if you didn't give them anything, but, being that they're building flowers right now, I would give them some fert.
what does 100ppm mean?


Well-Known Member
100 Parts Per Million. That's a measurement of the TDS (total dissolved solids) in the water coming out of the bottom of my pot, as I dump the water through the top, filtering through the soil. When I did my last flush, the PPM started at 1000 PPM, when i checked the first sample of water that seeped out of the bottom of the pot, as I poured the water through. I kept flushing until the PPM was down to 100 PPM, which is quite clean. My water is 40 PPM, so the reading was actually 140 PPM, but you have to subtract the water. Anyway...the PPM goes up as you add ferts, creating a buildup in the soil. When you flush, you are trying to clean that stuff out and get a fresh start, or are removing it so it doesn't add a strange taste to your smoke when you harvest it. That's why you flush. :)


Well-Known Member
I have been growing in a way that someone told me about at the cannabis cup about 3 year ago and it works a treat.But it can only realy be done if you are growing a small number of plants and useing soil has your medium.First you take the plants to the bath room and flush them till the water runs clear it will start of a larger coulour with a kind of froth on the top of the soil.Make sure that your flush water is ph at around the same has the feed ph this is so that thre is no ph flux.Once the water has run out of the tub then put in some fresh made up nutrients make them up just before you use them.By doing this the nutes will be bang on ph wise then leave them for around harf hour till most of the water has run off and put back under the lights.By growing in this way the plants are getting rid of any excess build ups but also getting spot on nutrients that have not been lying around.You will only need to water once twice at max per week useing this way of watering around day 5 the top of the soil may look dry don't be too hasty to add more feed let it dry a while this will force a far better root system to form.And b4 anyone says it no all that water won't harm the plants.Give it a go since growing in this way my yeilds have got alot better and the plants look alot better i never have any problems that can be caused through salt build ups and other nastys that your grow medium will contain if not flushed regular.If it is ghood enougth for greenhouse seeds it is good enougth for me...............tyke.........................................


Well-Known Member
flushing is pointless unless it needs to be done... why are you flushing?? do you have some issues with your plant??

unless your plants are suffering from lockout problems, which would be PH problems related to salt build up in your soil, flushing is a waste of time and energy..

the only time it really needs done is towards the end of flowering.. and even that is subjectable to which grower you talk to...

when i used to grow in soil i would run 2 to 3 times the volume of the pot of 1/4 strength nute solution through... the 1/4 strength solution will remove more salts that have built up than plain water will.... and this also ensured me my plant wouldn't have, or at least it would minimize, any deficiencies that may set in during the flush...

i would do this once, and if needed, repeat a few days later...

when it came time to harvest, in the last 10 days, i would flush 2 times with the 1/4 strength solution, and then my final watering the plant would get would be a flush of plain water....


Well-Known Member
I've been skipping the "flushing" process with fine results. I just water with plain water for the last couple weeks. I like growing in dirt though, I would recommend flushing with hydroponics and/or chemical nutes.


Well-Known Member
its bad to cut nutes off the last couple weeks...

this is when the flower is ripening and finishing out.. it needs nutes almost all the way through... why take away nutes when they are needed.. 2 weeks is a lot of potential growth that gets diminished if there is nothing for the plant to feed on...

i used to grow dirt.. and run hydro now.. and still follow the same "flushing" routine...

the very last week before harvest, for the first 5 days, i drop the nutes down to 1/4 strength.. then for 2, MAYBE 3 days, i run just florakleen through... the buds are perfect.. no chemically taste.. no popping or anything like that...


Well-Known Member
I don't "cut the nutes off" the last couple of weeks. My soil has enough guanos and worm castings to support plants through flowering. I stop using other additives and just switch to plain water. They still get the nutrients they need. I have stopped flushing so that I can re-use my soil. I just think running 15 gallons of water through each container is overkill. Guess I could have clarified, just in the middle of my morning bowl tryin to make it snappy.