

Well-Known Member
Like talking to a brick wall.lol

Your original question was already answered.Put them into flower when you need to,the fact you flushed and screwed up your rootzone is irrelevant at this point.


Well-Known Member
And guess what the issue has been fixed and the plants are happy and healthy at this moment which they weren't before. So no idea how anything is screwed


Well-Known Member
Well I do add molasses to my water
Good. Use it every time you water.

Not only is molasses a good source of raw sugar, it also contains other minerals and components that are vital to root and soil health. Molasses feeds microbes, microbes break down salts into sugars, which is essential for nutrient uptake.


Well-Known Member
And guess what the issue has been fixed and the plants are happy and healthy at this moment which they weren't before. So no idea how anything is screwed
Carry on with your grow then and put your plants into flower if they are so damn happy and healthy...if that was the case why is there even a question... your question was answered.


Well-Known Member
How did I screw it up i had a deficiency whih your supposed to fix before flowering are you not?
You don't flush deficiencies.

A deficiency is a lack of a nutrient. If your plant is telling you, "Hey I need some N here! Could you help me out?!" and instead you drown it, does that seem like the proper solution?


Well-Known Member
Haha ok try to help you and im a troll..ok carry on in your ignorant bliss.Ill unsub from this stupid thread and forget you exsist.Good luck.


Well-Known Member
You don't have to be arrogant about helping someone. I asked a question and yo u started trolling for no reason. I even thank Ed you for your input


Well-Known Member
And yes I did need to flush with extra water because even though I was feeding nutrients the pH was out of whack stoppimg my plant from uptakimg the nutrients in the first place