Fly with mmj or w/o it?


Well-Known Member
My understanding is card is valid in issuing state and recognized in others with reciprocity, eg Maine. But best of luck trying to purchase with an out of state card. Try as I might it didn't happen. And being legal in a state cuts no weight with the feds, still illegal. Hence the rub flying with it. It's a huge issue, schedule 1 classification (utter bs), states rights (10th amendment), personal privacy (basis of Alaska's laws respective of the state constitution).


Active Member
That's what I figured. I once had a friend who was flying out of town and couldn't be without his meds so he looked up a recipe to make candies, had no problem traveling abroad with them in his bags in undercarriage.. If it were totally unavoidable this is probably the way to go.. Even still I wouldn't recommend it..
