flying to michigan from colorado with pot? all medical of coarse.anyone done this?

i am going to fly to michigan really soon from denver colorado, and i have my red card in colorado. i have heard a lot about people flying with weed and i know that colorado supposedly allows it, so i want to take some nugs with me for my med card holder friends in michigan to sample:clap:, but i was hoping someone had experienced flying with it first hand? it seems a bit sketchy..
any advise would help


New Member
Well, to be on the safe side why not send some ahead via UPS or FED-EX? Obviously you don't want to put a return addy on it! LOL! And you may end up loosing it but it beats being strip searched and arrested by TSA.

If you are uncomfortable doing that...I suggest going through the security line with the hottest chick/guy whatever your fancy. That way if you get caught and strip searched it won't be a total waste. LOL! Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
Good Luck... tell us how it goes.

I live in Hawaii and Arizona. I have a Blue card from Hawaii and a Green card from Az.
But, I wouldn't take a fucking way. That's just me.
Let me ask you a question. They stop you during screening. What you going to say.
I thought it was ok in my state. Wait, do you work for the state or the federal government?
Marijuana is still not legal under Federal law.
well ringsixty, you're right not that i work for the fuckin government but on my medical permit or paperwork or whatever you would like to call it it states that i am allowed to fly with medicine to 5 states including michigan as long as your overall weight does not surpass the amount limited in the state you are traveling to and i would only bring like a half ounce so i would be in the clear hopefully? there must be someone on here that has tried this???


New Member
Why don't you call TSA and get the story from them before you attempt this? We are all so used to being afraid of the authorities and MMJ is such a new concept. I don't think it would be a bad idea straight from the horses mouth. If you do this please let us know what they have to say.


Well-Known Member
well ringsixty, you're right not that i work for the fuckin government but on my medical permit or paperwork or whatever you would like to call it it states that i am allowed to fly with medicine to 5 states including michigan as long as your overall weight does not surpass the amount limited in the state you are traveling to and i would only bring like a half ounce so i would be in the clear hopefully? there must be someone on here that has tried this???
Well, you got the paper work that allows you to fly to 5 different states with your medical marijuana. Then just do it. If you get in trouble. Get a good lawyer and sue the shit out of them.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
That seems oddly specific that your paperwork would state you are allowed to fly with medicine. Regardless I would say federal law still trumps that so they will not let you on a plane with it. Sending some overnight via fed ex would probably be way less risky.


Well-Known Member
take the paperwork with you it is a "legal" document and thus as long as it is stated as such that you can transport said "commercial property"...

then if asked even if it is even noticed you can respond to said commercial property and simply state it is "the person" mentioned on the legal papers and it is so and so's whatever ID card you have's name is and that this person has the rights given according to this legal document and permission to transport this commercial property to another state... and if they state that you cannot do so then dont argue with them say ok thank you anyways and be on your merry little way and just do the best thing and walk away and do not transport the property...

do NOT tell them you are going to "share it with friends" even if they are legal in their respective state as that is just plain stupid and according to the "legal system" illegal...

the "medicine" and "property of commerce" when you "purchased" aka "leased" it with "legal tender" or from "bank notes" that your bank transferred from one bank to another i.e. your bank to the bank that processes which ever pharmacy or dispensary you purchased your medicine from which in itself that was a transaction processed within the system of legalities and that property that was leased to you or "your name" is not supposed to be "shared" as it is only supposed to be intended for the recipient or shall i say "name" aforementioned on whatever document or contract you have with your "corporate body" such as named previously as "the state of colorado" ;)

tsa are federal employees and are bound by the contract they those "persons" or "employees" entered with informed consent and are bound to perform accordingly to the legalities set forth in the policies set forth by the tsa and its corporation...

most likely they will not even bother you with such a small amount for your own medical use and if you have the legal paperwork then they will even more likely not bother to have to go through all of the other legal paperwork to deal with such a small amount as it would be trivial...

and seeing as the cost to process it, and pay for the time spent on dealing with the illegality... the cost to the tsa would outweigh the benefit and they would not be gaining any profit by having to prosecute you...

however that may be that would ultimately be the choice of the tsa its agent or agents to either decide to follow their policies and not let you fly... or to not follow those policies and let you fly anyways and risk them getting fired and punished accordingly to the policies that they so condemned and bound themselves to ;)

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
"randomly" quoting "certain words" doesn't change the "Fact" that it is a "schedule I substance" and will not be "allowed" on an "air plane".


New Member
Many people in this country are arrested and prosecuted in spite of their 'rights'. You are dealing with a federal agency and sighting state law will not help you if they make trouble for you. I would still suggest calling them and getting their take on it. Get the persons name and ID number or whatever info you need to prove you got the right info and proceed with what they advise. Just my .02


Well-Known Member
"randomly" quoting "certain words" doesn't change the "Fact" that it is a "schedule I substance" and will not be "allowed" on an "air plane".
apparently you know nothing of the legal system or the true system of LAW for that matter and the words that were quoted were not random at all and were key legal words... LOL ;)

anyways if you actually read it... it was stated that it was not to be allowed on the airplane and was still "illegal" according to the system of federal legalities

though heres a random quoted word for just you... "arrtard"

sorry just had to say it ;) dont take it as me being mean and get all hurt im not here to make enemies on forums or anything just a little banter to have fun with everynow and then ;)



Well-Known Member
Well look what just happened to Montel Williams last year,he's 100% legal & the airport authority people nabbed his ass up quick over a pipe & a few grams.

They arrested his blender sellin ass & gave him a bunch of fines.

Why even risk it,call each specific airport you will be starting from & ending up at & splain your situation.


Well-Known Member
Well look what just happened to Montel Williams last year,he's 100% legal & the airport authority people nabbed his ass up quick over a pipe & a few grams.

They arrested his blender sellin ass & gave him a bunch of fines.

Why even risk it,call each specific airport you will be starting from & ending up at & splain your situation.
well he has lots of money and his "name" is the one that was being fined and thus he had the capital to throw into the ever so fraudulent legal system of today ;)
Well look what just happened to Montel Williams last year,he's 100% legal & the airport authority people nabbed his ass up quick over a pipe & a few grams.

They arrested his blender sellin ass & gave him a bunch of fines.

Why even risk it,call each specific airport you will be starting from & ending up at & splain your situation.
thank you for some actual useful help panhead i will call the denver pd in the morning it can't hurt to ask


New Member
I was going to say the same thing about montel. You won't get off so easy. Buy it from michigan our herb is just as good as colorado.