Flying with personal smoke


Active Member
My gf is flying out this week and wants to take some personal smoke with her. Less than an 8th. She is determined to take it. Suggestions on packing it.

smoker toker

Active Member
Agreed, it's not the best idea to FLY with anything of that sort, especially nowadays hell they even take my soda's when I get on... If she insists, though, I have heard sticking your baggie inside a condom helps, heard that the dogs can't sniff through the Latex, but again that's just what I've heard I'd get some more concrete info first, or just not do it =p.. Less than an 8th? Just get blazed before the flight and drop in some Vizine or just get some whereever it is you're going

:leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Have her buy an oversized bottle of conditioner or shampoo, take just enough out that you can put the weed in a small ziplock(or whatever) and stick it in with the bottle.

Make sure the bottle color is solid blue or red or black, so that the baggy cannot be easily identified.

Its what I do.


Well-Known Member
Tell her to put it in her underwear. If she is flying from inside the US and staying inside the US than the security won't be as tight.


Well-Known Member
yeah it totally depends on where she is flying from and to.
i have brought cannabis on planes by rubber banding it to my testicles.
it's not fun but it works.
i also have a cavity in my chest that i can pack cannabis into and then put duct tape over it so it's hard to feel when patted down.
that has worked as well.
they rarely use dogs to search for drugs on domestic flights.
i suppose you could grind it up and pack it into capsules and then just have a whole grab bag of of vitamins that you bring with you in your checked bag.
thats how i bring dmt on planes.
if you have a whole bag of different colored capsules, they can't really pick them out. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Active Member
yeah it totally depends on where she is flying from and to.
i have brought cannabis on planes by rubber banding it to my testicles.
it's not fun but it works.
i also have a cavity in my chest that i can pack cannabis into and then put duct tape over it so it's hard to feel when patted down.
that has worked as well.
they rarely use dogs to search for drugs on domestic flights.
i suppose you could grind it up and pack it into capsules and then just have a whole grab bag of of vitamins that you bring with you in your checked bag.
thats how i bring dmt on planes.
if you have a whole bag of different colored capsules, they can't really pick them out. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
She will be fine if she puts it in her underware. what i always do is take a longsleve tshirt and take the cuff and where it is sewd put a little slit in it and slide it into the cuff sew it back up. Ive done it more than once she will be fine hopefully she isnt a paronoid person. good luck hopefully this works for her.


Well-Known Member
Yo dubs why don't you delete those pointless lines? Just taking up space and making it annoying to scroll through