FNG's first grow supply list, what am I missing?

You have ESP. My design was same thing just didnt account for window.

Since you will have 240W of boards running the main cabinet on a 2x4 footprint would be a better use of your wattage. I would say you can safely fit 4 plants in 2 gallon pots in there or 2 in 5 gallons if you veg a little longer.

Do those windows open? It would be cool if you could vent your hot dirty exhaust air out the window to help keep your temps in check, otherwise recycling that back into the room might be a pain to keep your environment under control.
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Also I wouldn't personally keep the water supply in the same chamber as your wiring and driver, prob nothing bad will happen but just to be safe. Or at least isolate the driver/wiring in a metal junction box or something waterproof but that also allows for venting of the driver heat.

Other option would just be to keep the water supply on top of the box?
Great minds think alike! Safety is definitely my number 1 priority. I was thinking about dedicating the top 6" of the smaller box to wiring. Seal it off with a sheet of plywood from the rest of the box. I could have my driver mounted in there, my 240 and 120 outlets in there. I'm thinking a vent on the left, pulling air across the electronics and into the grow area, and then a fan down low to bring in fresh air to the grow area. From the lower portion of the box via a small vent close to the floor.
The window does open, but that's where the a/c for the cabin is. My cabin is only 12x16, and discretion is key. I'm thinking I will vent directly out of the wall, via a 4" exhaust hose, vented into the eve. I have about 4' of roof overhang, that I have been needing to put vented soffit on. This gives me motivation to get that done. Would be invisible from outside. Keeping the environment in here under control does sound important.
The bucket would sit in a tray, with a drain from the tray going all the way to my main drain line under the cabin. Bucket could be removed for cleaning. Maybe have a pipe with a Male hose end extending a couple inches from the bucket, so I could disconnect the watering apparatus when I need to get the bucket out. Space is a luxury here, and the more I can keep in the cabinet the better. I could use the extra space on the second shelf to store my supplies and what not. 2x4x6 sounds good to me. Thanks again for all the advice!!
Could I use a 4" pipe, filled with activated charcoal pellets, with a fan pushing one end and pulling on the other to filter this space outsidegrex.jpg? Ive got 10 lbs of activated charcoal pellets. All this would be hidden under the soffit. I would make it where I could clean it out from inside the cabinet so I'm not climbing a ladder and taking soffit on and off.
Hey @GrassBurner had a long busy day just getting a chance to sit down and reply.

For the exhaust when u say one fan pushing, and the other pulling, not sure exactly what you mean. Usually just one 4" exhaust or can fan would push to an exhaust hose and that would be plenty.

Also any idea what the cfm of the fans is? I think you said you pulled them off a range hood or something. Your flower box is @ 48 cf. 100 cfm would be plenty even with carbon filter I think. Also have you plugged them in yet to see how quiet they are? This one is what I use currently for a 4x5x8 closet. Can barely hear it and it does the job at half the max speed. You would probably be fine at speed 2 or 3 and its pretty much silent at that level.

One other thing I thought of after looking at your design again. Its going to be hard to get to plants at the back of the 4ft box for tending/defol/inspection. I was going to suggest building a simple plywood 'cart' on caster wheels that you can wheel out of the closet when needed. Thats what I am now doing in my flower closet so I can maximize the space for flowering. However you have the steps right there so maybe you could do something like a plant caddy for each pot and wheel the plants out to take care of them? Would kind of be a pain bc you would need to disconnect drip lines.

Before I saw your window factored into the design, my intial idea was your box but reversed. The chamber on the left would be for flower, and then instead of building the door on the front, you would build double doors that swing open from the 4ft side so that you could easily get to everything. I dont think that is feasible now though unless you were ok with blocking the window.

I have one idea I need to do a sketch of to explain. Am too tired atm will do it in the am. Would be a little simpler layout to build too I think.
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That would definitely be the ideal way to orientate things 8-) I will have to make something that slides/rolls out. I think I've got enough room to slide almost 3' out before interfering with anything. I could probably break it into (2) 2x2 trays, which would allow me to bring each tray all the way out for access. Definitely gonna put doors on the long side of the short cabinet though. Thanks again for all your advice and ideas!! I started a thread over in the grow room build, and started framing last night :grin:
Anyone have any opinions or experience with this soil test kit? Seems like a decent price. I'm assuming digital test meters are like automotive specialty tools. You dont use a $20 harbor freight torque wrench on a $70k race engine. I know my grow isnt a race engine, but accurate information saves headaches and mistakes.

Luster Leaf 1601 Rapitest Soil KZKee Test Kit, 40 Count (2 Pack) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B072LP4DGL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_NJnKEb9XKH1XP