Foam in reservoir w pics


Active Member
im in the 2nd week. last night i started 20h light and 4h dark. when i woke up thismoarning there was foam in my reservoir. is this natral? is this due to the dark? my ph was a little high but corrected right away.
they still look healthy so i donno






Well-Known Member
When was the last time you change the rez?

If has been more than 7 days you should do a rez change.



New Member
foam is bad, usually means some bacteria is starting to grow.
Are you maintaining the res at a constant temperature? if the temperature varies too much over night, bacteria will grow very fast.


New Member
You can kill them off with a 5ml to 1L mix of H202 then keep an eye on temperatures so they don't come back. And make sure your not getting any light into your res.

I would use beneficial bacteria addictives to help, like hydroguard. or you can go the other way and use sm-90 and h202 to fight off all bacteria.


Well-Known Member
Check the root system of your plants, this could be producing the bacteria or excess protein build up in your water due to poor root system.. But if the plants are new, its most unlikly to see this unless they are rotting! I use SM90 and H202, but use h202 every second day. Change res every 10 days or every sunday to be religious! :) JL


Active Member
well they are not rotting they look great....above the tub.
there dose apear to be some build up of what kinda looks like algie on the strongest 2 plants root systems..
i put some h202 in, sprayd the wallsand then changed water cause it looked horrid. put a little more h202 in fresh water last night. they still look healthy thismorning even grew a little so i think everything is lookin ok


Active Member
the h202 has apeared to work... very little foam today. and the algea looking stuff on the roots is almost gone, also the same algea lookin stuff in my water tubes is cleanig out slowly as well..
if i use a little h202 on a reg basis how much should i use??


Active Member
ive just had this same problem, but if bacteria is the cause, ive used voodoo juice and iguana grow which has all kinds of bacteria in it, could this foam be produced by benificial bacteria?


I have that same build up on my air lines, I always assumed it was a nutrient build up.
I thought it was nutrients. I jus sweicthed the other day and started to see some foam. It's hydro, so i guessed it was the air and bubbles making it bubble. Wouldn't go as far as bacteria. Do some test with water then put in nutes to see if it dosen't bubble