Foam in the reservoir


Ive just changed the solution and I'm using
RO Water, GHE Flora Series Diamond Nectar, Atami Cal-Mag and Roots Execlurator by HNG.
And I have foam in the reservoir.. is it a bad thing?

In my opinion it's because of the Roots Excelurator.
Because of the beneficial bacterias and stuff..

there is no any bad smell from the reservoir or anything, just the Roots Excelurator smell.

Btw I have 3 air stones inside


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Well-Known Member
What are the water temperatures running? Air pumps compress air, that makes the air hot, blowing hot air through the nutes warms the nutrients and that reduced the O2 saturation level. Waterfalls will oxygenate without as much heat. A chiller can help remove the heat.

Regardless, healthy roots will be white and not all clumped together. They will have lots of fine root hairs, not look like spaghetti. So for some reason you are fighting a case of root rot / pythium. It is probably pretty far advanced from the appearance so I wouldn't expect an easy recovery.


Well-Known Member
Whats the top of the plant look like? Are you experiencing the typical deficiencies that show up when root rot is present?


What are the water temperatures running? Air pumps compress air, that makes the air hot, blowing hot air through the nutes warms the nutrients and that reduced the O2 saturation level. Waterfalls will oxygenate without as much heat. A chiller can help remove the heat.

Regardless, healthy roots will be white and not all clumped together. They will have lots of fine root hairs, not look like spaghetti. So for some reason you are fighting a case of root rot / pythium. It is probably pretty far advanced from the appearance so I wouldn't expect an easy recovery.
22c /71f .

Ive just removed one air stone.

And the water is new, I've just changed it a day ago.

Whats the top of the plant look like? Are you experiencing the typical deficiencies that show up when root rot is present?
They look just fine to be fair..


Well-Known Member
When I add water back I also run the water through the top of the net cups it makes a difference.


Well-Known Member
I battled that awful white slime on my second grow. Any roots under and below that slime are going to be eventually choked out and dead. I don't think its pythium or rot....just some shit in your water. I tried peroxide, uc roots, hypochlorus acid (uc roots lol), pool shock yeah it was a bitch.
We all have different water so I guess its a "to each his own" type of thing. EWC tea worked for me and I would never grow rdwc at this point without it so give that a read.
You have to find what works for you.


I battled that awful white slime on my second grow. Any roots under and below that slime are going to be eventually choked out and dead. I don't think its pythium or rot....just some shit in your water. I tried peroxide, uc roots, hypochlorus acid (uc roots lol), pool shock yeah it was a bitch.
We all have different water so I guess its a "to each his own" type of thing. EWC tea worked for me and I would never grow rdwc at this point without it so give that a read.
You have to find what works for you.
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I woke up this morning to the same roots unfortunetlly so I changed the water again without that Roots Excelurator :/ which is disapointing as this thing costed me a fortune.
So right now I used Flora Tripart, Atami Cal-Mag, Diamond Nectar and Mineral Magic/Silicate

Mak'er Grow

Well-Known Member
Just passing some info that helped me with bad roots...started to see a couple places on mine looked like they were getting dark on a few roots in my diy dwc...chopped the whole root ball off leaving 1/2" to 1" coming out of pots....the plants were about a month into veg and about 2 feet tall.
Today all the roots have grown back without any issues...within the week they had touched back down to the bottom of the container again...currently in week 3 of flower and things are still going well.
So basically chop the roots off if they are brown and let the plant grow some new ones...when the older brown ones get longer give them a trim again too to get rid of any old yuck and within a few weeks you should be back to a nice root ball...if the foam gets figured
Best of luck and happy growin' :P

PS...Forgot to mention...each time you cut the roots also change the res solution...fresh solution with cut roots.


Okay after I was reading a lot about it, everyone who used air stones with Roots Excelurator had the same problem as me.

So its more for Kratky setup then DWC .

I'd recommend everyone not to use it with air stone.


Well-Known Member
I think the roots look okay, these guys just have never used Diamond nectar before because anything with leonardite will stain your roots brown like that.


Well-Known Member
your water is way to warm, some of the nutrients youre using have no business in hydro.. your roots dont look terrible, they are 100% fucked. this will not end well for you.