
D port Growth

Well-Known Member
ok so i went out side to one of my plants and there was this foam shit on it and there were lil white bugs with black eyes kida looked like one of those rolly pollie bug things silverfish im not shure what there called but i took them off but on the way home i seen it on almost every plant WTF has anyone heard of this???

D port Growth

Well-Known Member
there like lil white sluglike things with black eyes and tey bite the plant on the stem and spew out foam all over the spot they are i didn't evn know they were there till i blew off the foam and they were in it lacthed on the stem like ticks


Well-Known Member
i got that shit b4.....use a stick to gather it all up and fling it far away.....then buy some of that bug detterent shit at like all natural and kinda just waxy soap that smothers the bugs works good

D port Growth

Well-Known Member
kool but its EVERYWHERE like on every plant in a whole feild so i think i just got dicked on the spot but they dont seem to be hurtin any of the plant just like one or two foam patches on each plant but i flung it and it hasent came back yet but ill get a pick off one othe the sticker bushes whith them on it