Foilar feeding during flowering?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if foilar feeding during flowering is ok? I was thinking about using big bloom and tiger bloom. Any tips of info for me?


Well-Known Member
It's generally reccomended to stop foliar feeding after 2 weeks of flowering,
this is mainly due to budrot which can destroy all your hard work and patience.


Active Member
i will foliar with a light misting of nitrozime two weeks to harvest(till i flush).i will mist the plants when the lights come on.i have good air flow and 40% want to mist,not spray.any thing you mist on under side of plants with will show up in your root system with in hours.its better to do a lot of light feedings than one heavy feeding.the plants love it.


Well-Known Member
I foliar feed and never have problems with budrot. Just make sure ur humidity is low and make sure you have good airflow. I also do it when the lights are off to insure I don't burn the buds. Smoke up!


instead of foliar feeding with nutes maybe just try plain water, no chance of hurting them and they still beef up from sucking the water in try it!


Well-Known Member
instead of foliar feeding with nutes maybe just try plain water, no chance of hurting them and they still beef up from sucking the water in try it!
if you want your humidity to increase(which you really dont during flowering) then try his idea... only thing your going to get are some moldy buds