Folding Leaves


Well-Known Member
Heres a picture of how my leaves are folding wondering if anyone knew what it was from (this is a picture from last night tonight they are much more tilted lol)

Im growing 2 plants and the other shows no signs of this... they are in flower for a week now... CFL and T5 lighting




Well-Known Member
I've had the same thing on several plants...they don't seem to be hurt by it...but I too would like to know the cause of it(or if its natural)


Active Member
Mine look the same as yours does. I thought at first over watering but as my soil is drying out it does not seem to be getting better? Are you using any fertilizers?? I am not and am thinking it may be a nuet deficiency. But at this point I am afraid to water with fertalizer due to the possible over watering problem.


Well-Known Member
it`s ok it`s a bit of a nute problem i would say.mine do this sometimes as long as the tips dont start looking burned it should be you know your ph or ppm of nute mix if using them


Well-Known Member
usualy nitrogen burn.if its not solved it could lock up your wet dry cycle. what nutes you using and what strength?


Well-Known Member
ok i will watch it

cause i noticed today that the leaves are very dark and the tips are burning a little

so i should stop nutes for a while? water less?


Well-Known Member
how strong is the mix and what for nutes and how old are they how often do you use it


Well-Known Member
the mix is usually 1/2- full strength

use 15-30-15 nutes

then are a montha nd a half old... 2-3 weeks flower


Well-Known Member
sounds like to much nitrogen acually for flower. when flowering it should have more of the k than the n. by the second or third week in flower it should start getting lees n. carefull or it will lock up and look like a def of more than one nutrient


Well-Known Member
if you can get some other flower nutes. the 15/30/15 you have basicaly is the same as 1/2/1, try 1/4/2. n should be least then k then p. needs more of the p and less of the n and somewere in the midle of those two is the k. or like you said just water if you cant get anymore


Well-Known Member
i had the same prob, my veg chanber was curling , the same as my flower chanber. i was told that it was nitragen lock up , i was told to flush with distilled water & clearex or final faze. i flushed my veg chanber with strate distilled water, one week later thay are not curling the leaves aney moor. the leaves that are curled & burnt are damaged and wont repair them selfs , but the new leafs are clean and helthy no curl & no yellow coler. my girls in flower are one week from finished i flushed with clearex all week long, i was told to contenue flushing untill more week . from now on i will flush every 2 weeks for 24 hrs from naw on . im also using no dirt all hydro.


Active Member
Pretty sure it was nitrogen lock because i flushed my plants and they recovered for the most part. Whatever is burned will stay burned but the rest should perk back up. As for flushing ive heard numerous things. Ive heard use special solution, distilled water, normal water, and ive also heard flushing with the nutrient solution ur using. I flushed with tap water then with the nut solution. I really don't think it matters too hard on how u do it as long as ur getting the old nuts out.