folding top leaves???????


Active Member
Hi all,

Plants about 1.5 months into flowering. Were doing nicely (still are) except that the upper leaves grow folded into. See the pic for what I mean. It is like they are not fully opened out. I assume they are bud leaves, but don't know why they are like this. they show some typical spiralling indicative of the bud growth, but this is new to me. Heat stress???

They are soil grown, right humidity, 10-5-20 fert and under 12/12 that is pretty strict. Water is fine and they are not overwatered and don't dry out (expect sometimes to the point where the edge of the soil touching the pot comes away (top and edge only) ; the bulk always is properly watered and fed.

The buds are pretty thin although the potential cola is huge. It just doesn't fill out. Bear in mind that I got these seed in Peru adn what I smoked down there was also a leafy variety with long thin buds (grown outdoors of course). Min are indoor grown, under 500 W (well ventialted). I do noticed some burned tips from being too close to the light before, but they are not now. the folded leaves seem to revert to normal after some days, but some haven;t and how all leaves growing are like this. Trichs are all over the place, buds are thin and annoying (but could be the strain though),...

On the leaf thing. does it look familiar to anyone and if so, could it be related to the state of the bud growth. the leaves during veg look almost identical to angel dust, but I do not know what strain I am growing here at all!!



Well-Known Member
looks like over fertilization for sure. and the airy buds could be due to the lack of light but a 500 watt should be more than plenty of light to make those buds dense. how far away do you have it from the light? could be bad genetics too!


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

Plants about 1.5 months into flowering. Were doing nicely (still are) except that the upper leaves grow folded into. See the pic for what I mean. It is like they are not fully opened out. I assume they are bud leaves, but don't know why they are like this. they show some typical spiralling indicative of the bud growth, but this is new to me. Heat stress???

They are soil grown, right humidity, 10-5-20 fert and under 12/12 that is pretty strict. Water is fine and they are not overwatered and don't dry out (expect sometimes to the point where the edge of the soil touching the pot comes away (top and edge only) ; the bulk always is properly watered and fed.

The buds are pretty thin although the potential cola is huge. It just doesn't fill out. Bear in mind that I got these seed in Peru adn what I smoked down there was also a leafy variety with long thin buds (grown outdoors of course). Min are indoor grown, under 500 W (well ventialted). I do noticed some burned tips from being too close to the light before, but they are not now. the folded leaves seem to revert to normal after some days, but some haven;t and how all leaves growing are like this. Trichs are all over the place, buds are thin and annoying (but could be the strain though),...

On the leaf thing. does it look familiar to anyone and if so, could it be related to the state of the bud growth. the leaves during veg look almost identical to angel dust, but I do not know what strain I am growing here at all!!
It is a sativa that is the reaon it is tall with thin leaves. 10-5-20 fert this is the problem right here. You are using a veg nutrient system which is too high in nitrogen so the buds cannot fill out. So right now your plants are confused they think they shoud be flowering (your light cycle 12/12) but their food does not communicate that to the girls. Go grab a bloom or flower nutrient system, NPK should look more like this 4-8-7. Leave them on their lighting schedule, give them a flush, and begin 1/2 dose of bloom food. Good luck

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
It is a sativa that is the reaon it is tall with thin leaves. 10-5-20 fert this is the problem right here. You are using a veg nutrient system which is too high in nitrogen so the buds cannot fill out. So right now your plants are confused they think they shoud be flowering (your light cycle 12/12) but their food does not communicate that to the girls. Go grab a bloom or flower nutrient system, NPK should look more like this 4-8-7. Leave them on their lighting schedule, give them a flush, and begin 1/2 dose of bloom food. Good luck
great analysis man +rep.


Active Member
Hey all,

sorry for the late reply, so, big up yaselves for thsoe fine replies.
I figured the nutes were the issue here, so i got myself some 0-0-30. now, here comes yet another q (cause I cannot find anything else for blooming).

given I have my 5-10-20 blue crystal food, whcih is readily soluble and now the 0-0-30 potash-like pellets, how do i create a high-K food with just the right amount of N and P. Can I add the pellets to the soil and then water with the 5-10-20 (diluted more than normal) to have an allround flowering food?

cheers for any info cause it would be a shame to have such potentially big yielding plants (based on the bud sites and super duper colas) give popcorn airy bud due to the wrong food.


Well-Known Member
sometimes when the light i bellow the leaves ..... the leaves will curl down to absorb light..... or it could be too hot perhaps.... so make sure that light isnt too close.... itll affect growth...... just a thought....


Active Member
I had the same problem. I know that I didn't have any problems until my disastrous (Kathy Bates in Misery style) nutrient abuse. I also think that I had the temp too high as it shouldn't have been too much above room temperature. So I'd be interested to know if it might be heat stress too???

Falco & Ness

Well-Known Member
does it look familiar to anyone and if so, could it be related to the state of the bud growth. the leaves during veg look almost identical to angel dust, but I do not know what strain I am growing here at all!!
yo deepdiver you got experience with angel dust? growdoc bred...