foliar feed every day during veg? help


Well-Known Member
is it ok, or is it beneficial to foliar feed every day and night , just sparaying the underleafs and then shaking the plants around a little to act as a storm? is this ok? i been going down every morning and every night and spraying them. not a ton so its not like watering the soil every day. im just spraying misting the plants. also i have em in not so warm a place so i got one of those heater fans and its blowing warm air across the plants. is that ok.


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I was taught to do it no more than once per week, but lately I've been doing it every 3-4 days. My plants seem to like it that way.
never heard of simulating storms...and wouldnt a storm rain on the topside of the leaves?

two dissadvantages of foliar feeding everyday are -

humidity, spraying mist in your area raises the humidity dramatically. if you dont have proper ventilation i wouldnt recomend spraying daily.

if you make availible all the nutrients necessary via the leaves, your roots will not be as inclined to grow(why we dont overspray our clones). a smaller rootball means less nutrient absorbsion with means decreased production.

with that said, i personally foliar feed every other day in my flower room untill wk 5 or 6 and in my veg room twice a week. i do not spray my clones. i have excellent ventilation and humidity is not a problem.
basically, what happens if you dont have a straight up mister (something that breaks your water down to a FINE FINE mist, not a regular spray bottle), then the water that your foliar feeding stays on the leaves, and it could act as a magnifying glass under the lights. You might not have had problems with it yet, but one day you could wake up and have a bunch of burn marks on your leaves if your light is intense enough.

If you feel that you have to foliar feed your plants, give them a light shake after each feeding, to shake off any beads of water that stay on the leaf when your done. This will help prevent any problems that might arise. Other than that, if you do it right, theres nothing wrong with foliar feeding once a week. :D
I do not think it would rot them it is just not necessary and may build up and interfere with transpiration.
im gonna drop it to a couple times a week. humidity is not a problem what so ever. its actually dry as all hell . rain storms will shake the shit out of the plants and because of wind the tops arent the only part that gets hit. the reason i been shaking em is , i do have a fan, but i shake em because i want the plants to develop strong branches and a strong stem. i used to crack the main stem but i dont want to stress the plants so much. so i figured a couple shakes a day would do the job. now id pinch them and by flowering i could knock out a man by hitting them with it it becomes so hard. like petrified hard. but i figured id try something diff. i figured all the wind and stuff outside is what strengthens em in nature so why not reproduce that indoors?
right on...i figure my fan does that job pretty good, but if it works for you thats great. what KingSpade said about the burning is true, i just forgot becaus i dont have that problem either. some folks raise thier lights until the leaves dry, some spray right before the light turn on, i use a wetting agent for greater/faster absorbsion. i use Dutch Masters Penetrator but theres tons others out there. you add the wetting agent to whatever your spraying and it soaks in faster
thats exactly what i do is i shake em for a few minutes on and off so that it resembles outside conditions, and i was worried about those drops being like tanning oil on the leafs