Foliar Feeding Noob


RIU Bulldog
In the short time I've grown indoors I've rarely ever practiced foliar feeding and I think I'm doing myself a disservice. The only time I do is when I have a magnesium deficientcy because it works faster than root drenching, and with a product from H&G called Magic Green that I like a lot.
I'm not exactly sure when to ff or with what. I've read that some people do it up until harvest and other that don't at all in flower. I've also read that kelp is now bad as a ff? I remember reading a long time ago that it had something to do with immobile nutrients in that the plant take them up better through the leafs or something, or am I way off?
Maybe someone can help me out with that.
Stay high:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I foliar fed my plants right after they were transplanted from a rootbound pot and seemed to perk them right back up. The results I have seen from the 1 feeding gots me convinced to do it all through next grow.

Chee Zee

im trying my first attempt at foliar feeding and its growing great ;) im using a protein boost called halo and only applied it twice so far, each time ive used it within 2days the plants are looking more healthy and look stronger. The protein works its way in and continues to work for 14days ive been told.

I also had a Mg deficiancy, had quite a few yellow leaves lower down the plant and after using halo for the first time they went a mean green color and they never looked better :)

good luck...


At a recent High Times Cannabis Cup convention in Detroit, senior cultivation editor Danny Danko told me to only foliar feed in the vegetative stage.

That being said I sprayed my plants with Enggy's F-1 2 weeks into budding, didn't really notice a difference. That being said I only sprayed em once. I generally ALWAYS mist my plants daily, whether they are flowering or youngins .. if i was a plant i would like a wet down every day :)


RIU Bulldog
Are peoplle suing anything to help cuttings along to root? I've heard people use compost/manure tea, but specifically b-1 to help the plants root faster.

Chee Zee

canna do a product called rhizotonic. Ive never used it because i get mine to root in 7 - 10 days without but heard good things about it :)

best tip i can givya... make sure the mother plant has been waterd about 20 mins before taking cuttings ;)


Well-Known Member
Are peoplle suing anything to help cuttings along to root? I've heard people use compost/manure tea, but specifically b-1 to help the plants root faster.
there are all kinds of rooting hormones out there, some gels , some powder, all basicly the same .. I personally use a very old method -- dip the clone in a little honey (unpasturized) and water with superthrive (which contains B1 I think )
.. always works well for me .. but i'm sure lots of people have different ways. I've read a little about compost teas and such but never used them .. sorry couldnt be of more help

happy growin


Well-Known Member
At a recent High Times Cannabis Cup convention in Detroit, senior cultivation editor Danny Danko told me to only foliar feed in the vegetative stage.

That being said I sprayed my plants with Enggy's F-1 2 weeks into budding, didn't really notice a difference. That being said I only sprayed em once. I generally ALWAYS mist my plants daily, whether they are flowering or youngins .. if i was a plant i would like a wet down every day :)
Hey. since you said in veg stage you give this a misting everyday, is this with nuets? If so do you use less nuet when you accually water your plant?


Well-Known Member
Are peoplle suing anything to help cuttings along to root? I've heard people use compost/manure tea, but specifically b-1 to help the plants root faster.
Do you mean like a root stimulator? if do there is lots of brands out there that generally do the same results. Im not a clonner but my buddy is a must clone guy and he used ROOTS stimulater you can find at home depot, as for medium I know rockwool is nice.


Well-Known Member
canna do a product called rhizotonic. Ive never used it because i get mine to root in 7 - 10 days without but heard good things about it :)

best tip i can givya... make sure the mother plant has been waterd about 20 mins before taking cuttings ;)
Im currently using rhizotonic and this stuff is NICE. I started the full bio canna line 3 weeks into my grow, when i used the rhizotonic no lie....a week later my plants were root bound. If your going to use rhizotonic def use canazym. It breaks down the old dying roots and turns it to sugars and the new roots will accually grow back into the same area where the dead roots were. aso for strating roots with this stuff...clueless lol


Are peoplle suing anything to help cuttings along to root? I've heard people use compost/manure tea, but specifically b-1 to help the plants root faster.
I use a product called "Great White" on my clones. It's about 40 bucks for 3 oz I believe, it works for me. I have never tried anything else with the exception of superthrive. My clones take root within 5 days or less.

Hey. since you said in veg stage you give this a misting everyday, is this with nuets? If so do you use less nuet when you accually water your plant?
No I do not FF with nutes everyday. When they are flowering I mist them with water daily, but my environment can sustain it without having mold and bad things.

I definitely give my vegging ladies more FF nutes though, everytime I feed them I mist them with nutes or water depending on their mood. I find my vegetative stage very healthy and I enjoy putting monsters into budding. Everyone has different styles.