Follow My Auto AK-47 & White Widow Grow..!


Hey so you are going to grow auto ak and auto white widow? cause I have the same Im about to start soon....I think you will def need more lights..cfls...either more 23's or really some 42 or higher..specially for 2-3 plants...I have no idea how the WW grows if it branchy or single cola...but the AK will get a lil branchy from what ive seen..Do not use foil..............get mylar or paint the walls flat white..or get a tent...I will sub to your grow I would like to see how they come out if i dont start mine just now...


Active Member
thanks man.

I just got done putting another light in today, so that 4 CFLs. I believe I have 2 23watters and the other ones idk what they are.

So no Foil?
Alright Ill tear it down. I think it makes it look shabby anyways.

I have a scrog thing in my closet and i already have my cabnet rigged for it. Should I use it or just LST?


depends how they grow I never did scrog..the foil will create heat spot and could end up burning the plant as ive been told but with led I dont know what would happen. Is your WW auto or non?


Active Member
You need at least 100W for the first plant and 50w for every plant after that, With CFL's, you've gotta keep 'em close to the plant too. Like 2" away MAX. You want daylight (6500k) cfl's for veg and warm white (2700k) for flower.

Unless you step it up to about 400w and invest in some good nutes, you're not going to get FAT colas. You can still get some decent shit, but even with just the minimum cfl wattage (200w for 3 plants) your not going to get rock hard donkey dick colas. Gotta put into it what you want out of it.

There's tons more that goes into it, but that's a couple of basics. Good luck with your grow man.


Active Member
the white widow is regular, and im going to 12/12 next week or so.

Man, i dont have the money for all that shiittt. Im just gonna do 2 plants.

I think 2 lights are the whiter ones, and 2 are the other warmer ones.