Foothill Filters


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, was looking at these on ebay.|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A0|293%3A1|294%3A50

Do you think the 6 x 14 one w/ the fan will be able to exhaust fan out of a 4x4x6 tent without another fan (just the one on that carbon filter)?

To me the fan in the pic looks a little weak, but it would be great if i didn't have to buy another one. let me know. thanks.


Well-Known Member
pretty disappointed in RIU, usually i get posts within the hour...its a simple question guys. ANY INPUT will be greatly appreciated :). thanks


Well-Known Member
it's enough CFM and the filter looks fine, but I guess it depends how much ducting and how you hook it up to the light. Also, what ambient temps are in the room. I would think that with a cooltube on your light, you will have no issues.


Well-Known Member
it's enough CFM and the filter looks fine, but I guess it depends how much ducting and how you hook it up to the light. Also, what ambient temps are in the room. I would think that with a cooltube on your light, you will have no issues.

Will i need a cool tube/air cooled hood? i would rather not get one if its not needed.


Well-Known Member
You don't "need" one, but from my experiences... and this is with a 600w in a 4x4x6 room, my temps are about 20 deg F hotter then ambient temps without a hood. With an air cooled hood and a glass shield (essentially a cooltube), my room temps are only a few degrees higher then ambient. I would ALWAYS recommend a good hood/cooltube anyway, because it allows you to get your light much closer to the plants.

I can't say for sure whether your setup will work or not, but with that fan having to push through a filter and maybe some ducting, you might have heat issues. You wont really know until you get it setup unfortunately because everyone's situation is slightly different. I know that probably doesn't help you much, hopefully there is someone on this forum with the same setup as you :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks alot man, i appreciate the help. I do not think i am going with that, as i just noticed that the fan in there is some crappy computer fan. I think i might still buy a filter from them, but just get my own intake fan, which will be more powerful than that little dingy thing.


Active Member
the fan is bigger than a computer fan and it draws air through the carbon and out the fan. i needed i bigger one but it seemed to work great quite too