For a funny, happy energetic high

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
NOTHING is as energetic as kali mist, and it's euphoria level is bitchin' too. sadly, it takes 17 weeks. C99 is a much faster alternative that's not as sativa dominant, but very similar. neither is a favorite buzz. they're both too clearheaded and their energy is too much to have the choice of kicking back. well, you can get more mellow on cindy, but i couldn't freakin' sit down on KM. i ended up cleaning house and humming don't worry, be happy. it was like a blissed out shroom trip with a hit or two of speed.

8 miles high isn't available at the moment, but that one has a perfectly neutral energy profile that's neither racy nor stony and it has a little bit of psychoactivity. it was the nicest high other than something i bet was a columbian gold hybrid i blazed once sonce i smoked real gold back in the 80s! it's a bit on the mellow side, but i loved it's precise body control effect and it loves music & dancing where KM would rather you go chop down a tree, build an instrument and learn how to play it.

i keep trying to tell people, high quality seeds' haze x skunk kicks crazy ass! it didn't seem quite as trippy as gold, but it's way more resinous and potent and DOESN'T hit you any worse than lead eye even after a month where gold might as well be skunk #1. it was so motivational, i lost about 10 pounds blazing it for a month by just ignoring hunger pangs, and it helped me kick my 6 pack a night habit cold turkey. wicked long lasting buzz too. eventually, i had a mild permanent high going on with low grade nausea like you get when you abuse potent IBLs before it turns into the dreaded spinning room dizzies. hazeskunk will spank you if you don't respect it's limits. i got a mild dose of the dizzies the 1st time i blazed it and decided 2 hits weren't enough and popped off a couple more deep bowl hits. it didn't expand much either. NOT a fan of the cheesy cigar wrapper taste, but it's doable. if you want motivation though, it has plenty.

TGA subcool's jacks cleaner 2 is my current favorite. it has a stony edge, but it's functional, but it has REAL trippiness going on with a wicked fun "touchy feely" effect like yucky tasting, to me, onyx (diesel) and when i massaged my arm and chest, it gave me an imaginary invisible ripples of rainbow tie dye effect that made me laugh my ass off as nothing but columbian gold was ever that trippy in my experience. i DESPISE afghanis and don't care much for stony mids even, so you have a clue as to how easy to get along with it's stone is. it's jack the ripper mother should be even speedier and trippier i think. i can't wait to see how sannie's jack f7 compares.

DNA genetics' sweet haze is the best haze i've tried so far and is the only one i've gotten real trippiness out of, but it's also sticky and fruity. it's a super classy 9 week haze. i really like their lemon skunk 2. it's less stony than the skunk #1 i used to get with a euphoric high. their sour cream's a little too stony for my tastes, but had nice euphoria and a super sexy delicious flavor. it's my favorite indica as it's generally functional, though slow.

on the stony euphoria front, there's romulan, blueberry, bubblegum, skunk #1 and a lot of people especially like TDA's jillybean

if you want a nice high, jack's cleaner 2, sweet haze, haze skunk & 8 miles high all kick much ass with different personalities and C99 is way better than stoner bud too. mosca's C99bx is supposed to be trippy where joey weed's was more textbook clear headed and racy with euphoria. a lot of hazes are similar, but more laid back with a little bit of psychoactivity. 8 miles high is like a generic haze with a bit of trippy, but it's very 24/7 noob friendly, especially for more chilled out sessions where you just take a toke here and there. i thought it's total absence of both raciness & couchlock made it a "just right" goldilocks strain.

hope that helps.

sannies' killing fields is supposed to be really trippy like TGA's jack the ripper. why do breeders have to give hideous names to fun strains when it's indicas that put you in comas & fuck you up. maybe they're crazy paranoid. that's a less fun trait of trippy strains and why twitchy people should not blaze pure sativas.
Dam I wish I had access to any of that.
Thank you all I have to do is get over my fear of ordering seeds on line.


Well-Known Member
Kali Mist is great. Lots of info here and other forums too. It's worth the extra money, I guarentee you!


Well-Known Member
Pineapple Express taken at the right time can give you the desired effect. The fantastic thing I love about cannabis is how it can treat so much of what ails us! Just like hazy was saying he hates afghanis, there are others who hate sativas and their heart pounding paranoid inducing effect. I use cannabis medicinally for lower back problems and arthritis. I like 60/40 indica/sativa hybrids for the day because they energise me enough to get my ass up and motivated. But since I have issues I do not wont aggravated, thats where the indy part kicks in. My point being, different strokes for different folks. Good luck in your search. you will surely find your answer here at RUI!

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
nothing is as speedy AND euphoric as kali mist. i couldn't sit still on that shit. i especially like that i was able to score a gram of ORIGINAL KM as it used to taste like you're smoking crushed red pepper and it'd even burn your lip. they reformulated it with a fruity haze apparently to mellow the flavor down for all the whiners that don't like spicy foods so now it's just fruity & spicy, but the buzz is still intact. i still have 1 bean of that from back to '05 i hope is still viable. i don't like spending $100 on anything.

i'm really interested in TGA's the third dimension now as, like jack's cleaner 2, it uses crazy trippy but horribly named jack the ripper along with equally interesting euphoric & fast finishing apollo 13. to get a pina colada pheno would be very awesome too.


Well-Known Member
Killing Fields, Silverfields, Sugar Punch. From Sannie. Good price.

Sugar punch is the strongest weed I've ever smoked probably. Silverfields is the closet you can get atm, waiting on Sugar Punch to drop again. Killingfields is clear, energetic and happy. That's it by definition. Sugar punch is more intoxicating. I like Sugar Punch more. I've smoked tonnes of Kali Mist, club cut in Victoria BC. It doesn't compare. Not even close. Same goes for the club cut of Jack that goes around here. Neither are as good as Killingfields for pure sativa happiness and energy either. Of course, the Jack and Mist were chosen for reasons beyond potency.

But here's the thing, Sugar Punch yields and finishes fast too.

There are probably better examples of Jack and Kali to be had though. I'm less than convinced of certain clubs abilities to do good selection.

I'm going to do a full smoke report in the next week, hopefully later today, but we'll see how busy I am - on the Sugar Punch.

I did have one long flowering pheno actually, very haze dominant. Very very very haze like smoke too. Covered in frost. They all were though.

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
some nice sounding buzzes out of your phenos. i had a laugh when you said paranoia is fun because you know it's working.