For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

well the AN rep says no air
How would one get around using an airstone in deep water? I mean fine in ebb and flow but plenty of folks use bennies in deep water and even though the bennies will do ok without added air your plants sure wouldn't. I use great white, azos and zho in veg and pump plenty air into dwc/aero and have no foam issues.
jus curious,are you guys using organics?if so why not go chem and say bye-bye to all negative issues in hydro?,from what i understand organics are more akind to soil grows where chems are designed for hydro ie nutrients are available for immediate uptake vs. organics need to be broke down before they can be utilized,i started in hydro with organics and ran into much of the same probs that i am reading about ie ph probs,slime,brown crap,pyth,need for bb' was like going to war with the whole grow! since then i went chem and have had 0 issues with any aspect of growing,so clean and easy,i have only 3 grows with the chems,but each one was easy and bountiful with not one issue,like i said jus curious,please enlighten me
I think the only organics anyone is using here would be the bennies.
Myco and Hydroponics

When using Organic Microbes Myco or Bacteria products in an hydroponic environment it should be noted that the use of sterilising agents should be stopped. Changing reservoirs is frowned upon in certain cases. Myco will survive perfectly adequately in even the deepest of systems, often these systems are oxygenated so there is enough oxygen anyway, but even in waters with low O2 content myco will survive perfectly well with the O2 provided in the rhizosphere. informative page, I bet their product is good too...........
How would one get around using an airstone in deep water? I mean fine in ebb and flow but plenty of folks use bennies in deep water and even though the bennies will do ok without added air your plants sure wouldn't. I use great white, azos and zho in veg and pump plenty air into dwc/aero and have no foam issues.

Its no air with there products, just another reason to stop using AN
bro i am amazed they are alive i literally walked in one day the room was 140 at least the thermostat was PEGGED at 140 everything was brown and wilted saved 52 out of 96 plants though lol i consider that a win :)

Oh man that really sucks. I hope it all worked out ok in the end.
Yes I likely will, as I could use some feedback. Particularly I have this problem... Some of my leaves have these like burns on them. I'm using tap water, and last flush I rsn straight unballanced tap water through the system. My hopes were that the tiny bit of chlorine in the tap water would help rinse things clean. Is it possible this burned my plants? I'll get a pic later on of you guys think it would help.
i know it might be wrong place to ask but do you know anyone on this site who grows in wilma pots and if there any good...thanks in advance hope dont mind askin..
Yes I likely will, as I could use some feedback. Particularly I have this problem... Some of my leaves have these like burns on them. I'm using tap water, and last flush I rsn straight unballanced tap water through the system. My hopes were that the tiny bit of chlorine in the tap water would help rinse things clean. Is it possible this burned my plants? I'll get a pic later on of you guys think it would help.

no strait tap water aint going to burn your plants
Hello, can someone please tell me what the diameter of one of the system's buckets is? This will help me to figure out whether I should use two rows or three in my 5x10 tent grow. Thanks.
form,sometimes water transpires from the leaves,its possible the droplets may have acted like a magnafying glass and burned them,is it all over or just a few spots?are your lights down low on em?
It's like just on a few spots. Somebody suggested it was wind burn. You can actually see it in this video.


It makes sense that it could be wind burn, since I had those huge box fans going full blast. I have turned them down a bit. Any thoughts on that?

Hello, can someone please tell me what the diameter of one of the system's buckets is? This will help me to figure out whether I should use two rows or three in my 5x10 tent grow. Thanks.

I wat to say their about 10" diameter, but I'm not 100% sure on that. I'll be going over there tonight so I'll get you a definite number.
It's like just on a few spots. Somebody suggested it was wind burn. You can actually see it in this video.


It makes sense that it could be wind burn, since I had those huge box fans going full blast. I have turned them down a bit. Any thoughts on that?


nice plants +rep
Thank you. I have 2 distinctly different sour diesel strains. I purchased the smaller clones a long time ago from a local clone seller on CL. That strain is an absolute fucking dream to grow. It grows super fast, I've never had a single burn, you can just see how healthy those plants are. The buds that grow in that E and G are just nasty fucking sticky dense messes that reek of fruity sour goodness. I had problems taking my own clones at first because I didn't have AC. The guy I bought them from didn't have any more, so I had to buy clones elsewhere. I have since gotten AC so that's no longer a problem.

The other I bought from an actual store here in town. It seems to burn easily, in the beginning I was watering 6 times in a 24 hr period for 30 min, and these plants would like kind of wrinkle. so it's not very resistant against the elements. I have yet to see the flowers, maybe I'll be impressed, but I don't even think I'm going to keep any at this point. But that other sour D strain, omfg I just love it!

It's just so easy in this system though. I absolutely love it. I'm considering buying another as I am working on increasing my legal plant count.