For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

the controller has to be level (or pretty close) with the buckets because if the controller is higher than the buckets they will overflow, if the controller is below the buckets they wont flood as high. if you are thinking of a Colosseum style system i have seen it done with multiple controllers and one res.
Can someone please tell me if it is possible to run the buckets on two different levels? I.E., could you run 6 on the floor and 6 above them on a shelf, or would this not work due to the controller requiring all units on the same level?

Thank you.
this wouldnt work what ever level the control box is the buckets do to, this doesnt mean you couldnt put the buckets and the control box on a shelf and hook up a secound control box on the floor. all plumed into one res just dont go over 48 buckets per res.
the controller has to be level (or pretty close) with the buckets because if the controller is higher than the buckets they will overflow, if the controller is below the buckets they wont flood as high. if you are thinking of a Colosseum style system i have seen it done with multiple controllers and one res.

lol didnt even see your post, yah what drg says :)
hey db, how is the ladies coming along even with all the trouble, well i hope.
hey drg they're aren't doing too bad other than fans turning yellow two weeks into flower, is that normal, I'm noticing sativas seem to do that.I'm about to search for some clones, one dude is selling what he says is the august centerfold in hightimes, he wants fidy bucks a pop for small not all that healthy looking clones, I offered him like 100 bux for 3 about 2 months back but he wouldn't budge so fuck him and his "elite" genetics.
hey drg they're aren't doing too bad other than fans turning yellow two weeks into flower, is that normal, I'm noticing sativas seem to do that.I'm about to search for some clones, one dude is selling what he says is the august centerfold in hightimes, he wants fidy bucks a pop for small not all that healthy looking clones, I offered him like 100 bux for 3 about 2 months back but he wouldn't budge so fuck him and his "elite" genetics.

you shouldnt be getting yellowing that early, whats your ppm? ph? and what line of nutes?
yeah thats what I was thinking, thats why I switched every-fucking-thing including right down to the system I use, right now at like 2 weeks in I'm sitting at about 1200 ppm, that being made up of dynabloom , pro mag , pro tekt( I don't think this affects ppm but certainly does ph) some b52 and possibly a little bud candy if I remember right, great white and zho and thats is rock solid 5.8, temp is 64 f .
For Veg (mls/gallon):
Grow 2.5 - 3
Protekt 4

Flower (mls/gallon):
Grow 2
Bloom 4
Protekt 5
Magpro 1

heres what homebrewer uses and hes a master of dyno grow
I'll try it next change, which is in a few days possibly, gotta get some veg going too. always something.
thanks for the info , I'm really not sure why I'm having this problem after switching out everything. I thought (or actually AN thought) that it was something in my system. but thats pretty much totally changed.