For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users


Active Member
Are you talkin about the General organics stuff? I really wanted to try that stuff out cause that lineup seems real legit, I just don't think the additives would do to hot in a hydro rez with airstones. Anyone have experience with scrogging ebb and grow? I just wonder how you can check your roots out if theres a screen above it holding it down.


New Member
Are you talkin about the General organics stuff? I really wanted to try that stuff out cause that lineup seems real legit, I just don't think the additives would do to hot in a hydro rez with airstones. Anyone have experience with scrogging ebb and grow? I just wonder how you can check your roots out if theres a screen above it holding it down.
dude 12 pots is 4x8 is gonna pack full ya ain't gonna need a net. not a lot of root to check so why bother pullin pots...pullin pots apart sux ballz btw


Well-Known Member I was talking about these actually. The DUO. You are right that the GO line has organic additives taht would not be happy in an aerated environment. Organic hydro in general is just a stinky mess in my experience.

SCROG is not something I would do with these systems for the reasons you are already thinking about. It locks your plants in place and the cool thing about the ebb/grow is the ability to modify as you go.

Knott Collective

Well-Known Member
I've had lots of luck with House & Garden based program. I also add Nitrogen Boost and Dutch Master Zone. Nitrogen Boost really helps growth and vigor in veg but must be used sparingly, as directed on the H&G online nutrient calculator - The Zone uses an extremely small amount of an algicide, germicide and fungicide so it cannot be used with beneficial microbes - kills 'em right off. But it keeps the slime away!

Here's the complete schedule:


Active Member
I just wanna do a scrog so its a nice even canopy of buds. I think I figured out what nutes im gonna end up using. This dude over on a diff local forum has the same exact setup as I do and pulled 42oz off 12 plants under 1200w. Just gonna use the same nutes he did because his results were awesome.


Active Member
Does anyone else get slightly slimy roots in the bottom of their system due to the RETARDED sitting water that is left in each bucket? I do not recommend CAP's system if you have a very dense forest of plants. I have been using it for almost a year now, and would occasionally have issues with my roots. This latest time one of my pumps broke so I have the plants sitting in standing water for a few hours before I took notice. I started to notice leaves turning yellow at the bottom of all my plants. So I took 7 hours straight of removing very large plants from their buckets, and emptying and cleaning out the base buckets to help prevent root rot. The buckets get this disgusting build up of nutrients, hydroton, and slime in the base bucket. It was a BRUTAL project, and the plants took a beating in the process. I'm currently flushing with pure water and H2O2 for the rest of it's light schedule today. I'm also worried I was watering too much, so I turned that down to 15 min every 3-4 hours.

Anyone have a better system recommended for dense forest type cannopy where getting to the center plants wouldn't be necessary until harvest?


New Member
titian is a better system.. use drip clean from house & garden for build-up. 15 minutes 4 times in 24 hour is plenty..

i use bleach as apposed to H2O2


Well-Known Member
elevate each pot just an inch or two to avoid the standing water. I used to use regular saucers from my soil pots to raise them just a bit.


Morris ~ I'll be starting my next plants by seeds and once they have a decent root system, I'll be transferring them into the E&G.

Q: how low does the plant sit inside the inner bucket?

Q2: should I cover the Rockwool with hydroton when transferring?


I have always used an 18 site cloning bucket (with the foam inserts) in order to clone to soil. After reading all of the issues regarding transplanting/using rock-wool, I would think that the cloning bucket would work real slick. After 1.5 weeks in the bucket I have roots that are 4" long. I am assuming that i just make some room in the hydroton/two-gallon pots for the clones and they should take off!!! Does anyone have a review/feedback regarding this process?


Well-Known Member
You can go right to the hydroton from the cloner. I did it many times. But it gets trick judging the time. Thats why I now clone get roots going about 2 inches put them in 4 inch cubes of rock wool. Use 1 inch cubes ripped up to fill around the hole not beating the roots. Veg like that till system is ready for the new plants. Then add the cubes to the buckets and cover the RW the best I can. Then when plant gets bigger cover it fully. And if you can do this befor roots go out the bottom of the 4" RW you won't realy see transplant shock. Hydroton kills alot of roots no matter how careful you are.


Well-Known Member
Well there is going to be a shortage soon anyways. But other places are working on different clays. I just switched to 20%coco. Like it do far but it's only been a week. And I hated sure to grow. Used that ones and never agin.


Well-Known Member
Trying out gold lable. Has a ton of micro nutes in it. So I can run lower ppm in the res. Well thats the idea anyways. Also like how stable the plants are now. They don't wanna fall over like hydroton.


I have used 50/50 Coco-Fox Farms ocean mix (with great results) in soil however it seems like that would be difficult (as compared to Hydroton) in an Ebb&Flow system. I understand that Hydroton is quite dirty and folks can get residual clay in the rez and such; but I would think COCO would fall down through the holes in the pots and foul/plug everything up (tubes, controller box etc...)


New Member
hydroton is only a problem if it is not rinsed well.. as far as other mediums? try using a smart pot in the inner pot. i would also water less frequently.


Well-Known Member
I well there is another problem with hydroton. The big supplier went belly up. The quality went down leaving alot of salts and unwanted stuff in it. This have voided problems for many grows. Think my last one fell to this. And I wash them for 48 hours. There are others that make clay rounds and rocks but there price is more then I want to pay. It will cost me over 200 just to fill the pots in flower.

Net pots work great to keep coco and other soilless in the pots and not the res. I'm using the Titan system an they make a bag just for that. Waterin times droped to twice a day unless plants start taking up more. And I wouldn't use a soil mix in any of the ebb and flow systems. No way to regulate nutes and watering times would be every 3-4 days. So you would have to turn it on and off yourself.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure there are other reasons. Nobody shuts down for some salts. They fix the problem. So maybe he retired and how he left it to run it to the ground and sold everything off. It happens all the time. And it's to bad. Good product and can you think of all the people in Germany now out of work. Like they didn't have it hard enough. And now that they left it's going to be the comps that want a buck a litter. Guess what there price won't go down. And with useing 200L every 6 weeks I gotta change