For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

Sorry bout the red, I guess it sparked a bad memory while you were in school. I sometimes do that to contrast from the quote. I was going tho continue but this is not worth the effort.
dhound. so you think the croutons are better than the clay??? how many bags to fill 6 pots? isnt this very exspensive? are they worth the cost?..

how large do you like your plants in the 5 gallon buckets?

I use net pots within the buckets too. The net pots are'nt as deep as insert buckets. I don't like the insert buckets it came with. I like holes on sides. Also, net pots don't use as much medium. Croutons are about the same price per volume. I know you can wash and reuse hydroton but, 35 bucks per ea. bag (hydroton or croutons) I toss it all afterwards anyway. The large bag of croutons are 2cu. ft.

I like croutons because it does'nt leave residue like hydroton and it's easier to deal with overall.

I like my plants on the larger side. I've got these cool tomato cages w/ grids that are perfect for 5 gal buckets. I just finished running Casey Jones and Blue Dream. Pulled 1lb off 2- Casey's and approx. 12oz. off 3-Blue Dream.
I use net pots within the buckets too. The net pots are'nt as deep as insert buckets. I don't like the insert buckets it came with. I like holes on sides. Also, net pots don't use as much medium. Croutons are about the same price per volume. I know you can wash and reuse hydroton but, 35 bucks per ea. bag (hydroton or croutons) I toss it all afterwards anyway. The large bag of croutons are 2cu. ft.

I like croutons because it does'nt leave residue like hydroton and it's easier to deal with overall.

I like my plants on the larger side. I've got these cool tomato cages w/ grids that are perfect for 5 gal buckets. I just finished running Casey Jones and Blue Dream. Pulled 1lb off 2- Casey's and approx. 12oz. off 3-Blue Dream.

I defo, like your style.. the holes on the side of the netted bkt insers, totally make good sense.. however, i tend to get at least 3 runs with my rock, before obvious buildup problems. which then i toss.
but a fan of the tomato cages, also, for shure. i think im going to have to move on up like g. jefferson.. go with 5 gallons. ur numbers are staggering compared to my 3z to 6z plants in my 2.5 gallon thimbul's
is any body using a flop switch? mine seems to work 90% of the time. its that 10% that has made me a slave when everything is working like a swiss watch. i mayjust for go it a get two more 1000 ballasts. i think that the ballasts when the switch happens (12/12 ) they may see that as a serge and trip.
im thinking of going with the CAP ebb n gro system. I just did a run in soil, im going to do one more before i take my first plunge into hydro
im thinking of going with the CAP ebb n gro system. I just did a run in soil, im going to do one more before i take my first plunge into hydro
read the thread and check my profile. not sure about the white buckets, but 110 about the growelf controller bucket. feel free to ask anything, im here to help\
cvbud did you check my profile?

i did. it looks great. im really jealous. i would like to have a very similar if not identical set up. although i use a sealed room, i noticed you use vent fans. are you using c02? really cool set up. not sure if you checked it out yet, but i just started a new thread using my E&G with the STG. im excited, but really nervous. i hope they work. im only going to veg for three weeks. so they shouldn't get that big. but we will see. im going to use a net to help with support. but im really not sure if i have my times right. im using 9 cycles at 15min. ive noticed that with 21 buckets at 15 minutes, i dont get an entierly full bucket. and i read that 15 minutes of submerged roots start to die.

anyway. you are the master, if you want to check out my setup and throw in some advice, i am all ears. we can use my set up as a tester for these STG's. who knows, if it works good, you might like them. 12 minutes to transplant 21 plants was pretty sweet. no cleaning, rinsing, or anything. just plop it in and go.

let me know what you think!
nothing ventured nothing gained. your set up looks good. you said you dont clean the stg? that would make me nervous. as far as watering im on a 6 time 30 min a day schedule and i run at 1800 ppm to 2000 ppm for nutz. i never had salt lock because i rinse 4 cycles of 45gal declorinated water every week, when i change nutz. the rinse is what save my ass!! im not on c02 yet, but will be in a month or two. start a journel now at the beging, so we can have a good record the study. good luck.
Need some help guys! I am starting off my clones in an ebb and grow with 24 sites. I am cleaning the unit in stages; bleach @5%, then clearex as directed, then water. I am also thinking of using physan 20 for a very deep clean. I am trying to avoid the terrible root slime. I have my hydroton washing in stages as well (bleach @ 5%, clearex, 2-3 water rinses). This should totaly steralize all my medium.
The last time I was running a VERY diluted mix of h202 and Botanicares pro grow + bloom. I think a contributing factor to my plants becoming ill, was the h202 destroying my organics.

I think I want to transfer my clones into the hydroton medium, and flower. My question is, should I be using beneficial bacteria such as Plantacillin with the system? Will they culture in the medium? Should I plant into rockwool cubes, then into the hydroton (thinking the medium would house the BB)?
I am basically starting out fresh. Fresh healthy clones, clean and sanitized rom and equipment, and the usual controlled temps and co2 (I am in a micro climate) and clean tap water with 150 ppm set out at least 24 hours with an air stone for good measure. I have always used Botanicares full line (pro grow, bloom, cal-mag, blast off, LK, sweet, bloom enhancer with amazing results) and super thrive, Hygrozyme, and Plantacillin or hydroguard and have never run into a problem. The only thing I did different was added h202.

any follow-up would be great!
Hey Ears,

Checked out your setup. Looks sweet!

Do you use microbials or fulvic/humic acids? I found that using these products help w/ nute uptake along with root enhancement. As a side affect, my rez. is kept very clean. I do rez. changes every 14-18 days and could go longer. I drain to waste flush 1 per wk. w/ reverse osmosis water. I like the drain to waste method for flushing (leaching) because I don't have to mess w/ the rez very much.

Keep up the great work my man!
I guess I should be asking if any of you use hydro organic ferts like botanicare pro bloom and LK? If you do and are using hydroton as your medium, are you using any beneficial bacteria like plantacillin? How about enzymes such as hygrozyme? Superthrive?
I dont know what i am doing wrong, but every single day i go to check the ph in my res, its up to 7.2 or higher. i always drop it down to about 5.2 to try and compensate for the high ph residing in the buckets, but i cant keep in under control. my plants seem to be having very slow growth, but i need to know if im doing the right thing? does anyone else have this problem with an ebb and flow?
That water MIGHT be buffering your solution. It doesn't seem that high though. I can't think what else it could be. I recommend you switch to RO and see if that helps.