For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users


Active Member
Isn't another company selling a similar digital version of the ebb/gro?

yeah sentinel the digital controller manufacture everyone uses lol.

square buckets, digital controller, controller not mounted to brain, bottom drain on buckets so no 2" of stagnant water in the bottom everything many people have asked for. i think it has larger hose also.


New Member
yeah sentinel the digital controller manufacture everyone uses lol.

square buckets, digital controller, controller not mounted to brain, bottom drain on buckets so no 2" of stagnant water in the bottom everything many people have asked for. i think it has larger hose also.
They aren't on sale yet are they? I cant find one with a price. When they come out with expansion kits I'm buyin one to replace at least the buckets.


Well-Known Member
Sentinel MEF-1

FYI, that system does NOT include the reservior like the CAP system does.

One site had that same price listed a month ago, then it mysteriously dropped off as soon as people started ordering.

If the Sentinel is really shipping now I'm gonna be pissed. I bought two CAP systems about 2 weeks ago! They're both still brand new, unopened if anybody wants them. I only bought them because the Sentinel was unavailable, but these can hit ebay in a heartbeat. I'll eat $50 ea if I have to.


Well-Known Member
what makes the sentenel so much better? Wht would you give up a prove system for one that isn't? are you not happy


Well-Known Member
what makes the sentenel so much better? Wht would you give up a prove system for one that isn't? are you not happy
There are several things that make the Sentinel better imo. The differences and improvements have been listed and debated a few pages back. I don't want to list them all, but the main improvement is the wall mounted control system. For $600 it shouldn't be too much to ask for a damn computer?

Manufacturer of Sentinel Products:
Global Product Solutions, LLC
422 Larkfield Ctr. PMB 281
Santa Rosa, Ca. 95401
Phone: 877- growgps (877-476-9477)​

I called, but it they're not there at 8am on a saturday. Anybody live near Santa Rosa? Wanna go knock on the door and ask them what's up with the MEF-1 for me? I will buy two this week, if they're shipping soon.


Active Member
smoking rubber, do u think it would be a problem with the roots if it trained underneath the buckets like the Sentinel does because i too would like to make the switch for my new setup but don't want to be running in to problems with the switch, also is this one expandable like the ebb and gro


Well-Known Member
With either system, I would recommend replacing all of the tubing between grows. It's a cheap and easy way of eliminating any root growth in the lines. I've got to take it all apart to clean anyway.

My friend wants to try installing fabric root barrier in the bottom of the first pot so that the roots don't grow through as much. I'm not sold on the idea, but I will probably try it on 2 pots and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
yeah and I wonder if the controller goes out on the the ebb& gro if it can be replaced with a GH controller or this sentinel one. the 55 gallon drum is badass though..

also day 2 with the ebb & gro and its working great. my plants are lovin it.


Well-Known Member
Manufacturer of Sentinel Products:
Global Product Solutions, LLC
422 Larkfield Ctr. PMB 281
Santa Rosa, Ca. 95401
Phone: 877- growgps (877-476-9477)​

I called, but it they're not there at 8am on a saturday. Anybody live near Santa Rosa? Wanna go knock on the door and ask them what's up with the MEF-1 for me? I will buy two this week, if they're shipping soon.
hey funny thing that place is like 2 miles from my house, never even knew I'll seeif i can get by this week


hey funny thing that place is like 2 miles from my house, never even knew I'll seeif i can get by this week


Can anyone tell me why a plant would drink more than eat ? I have to add water to my res every day to keep it from going to high. I have been keeping it around 1500 ppm to 1700 ppm but this strain seems to not like it this high becouse I am getting some fried leafs and soe yellowing. The ppm seems to go up from 1500 to 1525 so abot 25 or so ppm each time it goes into watering cycle.
is this normal ? or are the nutes getting locked outit ? They seem to growing very nicely with the exception of some yellowing and some fan lefs drying out.

I use GH 3 part plus
liquid coolbloom
floral blend
floralicous plus
so 6 parts total

my water is 525 ppm to start with out of the tap

I mix the micro first and let the pump and airstone mix the solution as I put the other nutes in, waiting a cople of minutes between droping in the diferent nutes.
than adjust the ph to around 5.8 or so
5.6 to 6.0
5.8 being the sweet spot.

Shouldnt the plants idealy drink and eat about the same? so I dont have to weaken my nutrian sollution every day ?



MY temp is about 78 f during light cycle and 55% humidity give or take. I dont think its that.
Maybe its my hard ass water??? I know I need ro water. MY broke ass is trying to save for 1.
any other ideas? do you think the nute might be getting locked out?


Is it normal for the plants to drink more than eat ??
is it ideal for the nutes to stay at the same ppm between res changes?


Can anyone let me know?

doesnt eveyone try to get there nute sollution to a certain ppm that is going into the plant at the same rate as the water ?
therefore not needing to constantly add water to the res between res changes which is constantly weakening the nutes
in the res ? or is that not realistic, does everyone have to add water ? I have heard people say there plants sometimes eat
more than drink and they have to constantly add nutes.
Do I need to put less nutes in my res to find a ratio that doesnt bring my ppm up every day about 75 ppm ?? or ?


Well-Known Member
I want ever buy any CAP product. about two months ago I purchased a 80 dollar adjustable timer and it was dead on arival so I sent it to the main headquaters to get fix came back about a month later and it was dead on arival again, so i sent it of again. It came back about three days ago and still dead on arival. I think they just retaped the box with the label and sent back to me. so its to late to return it to the the shop that I bought it from, so now its in the scrap box. I decided to build my own for about 40 to 50 bucks less, but still it sucks because its more money out of the pocket. I had to rant about somewhere...therapy, sorta


I want ever buy any CAP product. about two months ago I purchased a 80 dollar adjustable timer and it was dead on arival so I sent it to the main headquaters to get fix came back about a month later and it was dead on arival again, so i sent it of again. It came back about three days ago and still dead on arival. I think they just retaped the box with the label and sent back to me. so its to late to return it to the the shop that I bought it from, so now its in the scrap box. I decided to build my own for about 40 to 50 bucks less, but still it sucks because its more money out of the pocket. I had to rant about somewhere...therapy, sorta

I have had a lot of problems with CAP's stuff also.
They are not a very good product. GREAT IDEAS but its all chinees crap parts. those cheap bastards. atleast send 5 bucks or so more in parts and there stuff could be way better. they will be bought out by sunlight supply boon enough and maybe they can solve there tech. problems


Well-Known Member
raiders hows the plants doing? i have 11 buckets set up now with a 3/4 strength flowering solution under 300watt LED and my plants love it!