For All You Grow Box Haters & Noobs...


Well-Known Member
If you posted your cab and grow minus the link to where you your box it would have been fine. It's completely on
bvious by the astronomically overpriced cabinet that you either have a vested interest in the company or you are the worlds biggest dipshit. Remove the link and I'll apologize and delete my posts!
If you posted your cab and grow minus the link to where you your box it would have been fine. It's completely on
bvious by the astronomically overpriced cabinet that you either have a vested interest in the company or you are the worlds biggest dipshit. Remove the link and I'll apologize and delete my posts!
I deleted the link. I was simply trying to give a good company some props on a well made product (sold for a price I PERSONALLY think is reasonable...not cheap, but reasonable) and help some noobs at the same time. Don't really care whether you believe that. Isn't sharing info kind of what these forums are about?


To each his own, I'm building my own personally and it's not because I don't like the prebuilts, I just have fun workin' on the system as much as growin' the plants and enjoying the end product. One love. :peace:


Well-Known Member
If you posted your cab and grow minus the link to where you your box it would have been fine. It's completely on
bvious by the astronomically overpriced cabinet that you either have a vested interest in the company or you are the worlds biggest dipshit. Remove the link and I'll apologize and delete my posts!
Apologize and delete your posts...
Apologize and delete your posts...
He's just a hater...I guess I invited them with the thread title! :wall: I just hope someone out there understands what I was getting at. I exposed myself by putting up some pics and am feeling pretty stupid for doing it now.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I think that few people have an issue with pre-fabbed grow boxes in regard to their ability to produce, of course they'll produce, from everything i've seen any issues that are present are that pre-fabbed grow boxes are a complete and utter rip off in terms of what they actually are, a box with a light and a filtration system. If i had the money i would have no issue buying one, convenience is convenience, but i would still be buying it knowing i was being ripped off.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, seeing this title was a shock to me. I have never seen anyone "hate" on a growbox or tent. Interesting.
I think that few people have an issue with pre-fabbed grow boxes in regard to their ability to produce, of course they'll produce, from everything i've seen any issues that are present are that pre-fabbed grow boxes are a complete and utter rip off in terms of what they actually are, a box with a light and a filtration system. If i had the money i would have no issue buying one, convenience is convenience, but i would still be buying it knowing i was being ripped off.
Ya, that's why I show they do produce.

As for the rip off factor, why does everyone think it's a ripoff? I don't see posts in here calling Lumatek a rip and that we should be building our own ballasts. The box I have has some unique aspects built in that I didn't see anywhere else and offered a complete grow package, not just a box, light, and filter. Shouldn't the company that designed and built the grow box make a dollar? I don't work for free, why should I expect someone else to?

You could save a bunch of money buy building your own house too, but the roof might leak a little and the walls may not be exactly straight, unless you're a carpenter. I personally would rather pay someone else to do it, because I don't posses the skill set. That doesn't mean I'm getting ripped off in my opinion and doesn't mean I scoff at the carpenter for spending his time sweating it out. I'm representing the "non-carpenters" so to speak.

If I was reading/posting on a forum dedicated to how to build grow rooms (which I know is in here too), this would be a different conversation all together. This is primarily a forum for growing and lifestyle.

Just my 2 cents.
Yeah, seeing this title was a shock to me. I have never seen anyone "hate" on a growbox or tent. Interesting.
Saying they're a ripoff or that they don't work equates to hating on them in my opinion. There's a big difference in "ripoff" and "expensive". If I received an empty cardboard box for $2500, that would be a ripoff...and somebody's getting their ass kicked! :hump:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Building a ballas and a grow box are entirely different arguments. One would require extensive knowldge of electronics, the other basic common sense and the ability to use a drill and saw etc.

I will not deny i am a stingy person, in the sense that i have always had the kind of mind that realises that i can do it myself for much cheaper be it computers, decorating, you name it, i'm just one of these overly practical people, i have a twin who is almost the polar oposit, it's like we both stole various traits in the womb and left none for the other, i have this and he has that, we work well as a unit but apart we both fall flat on our faces in certain respects :D. Please don't take my opinion as a universal thingymajig :) As i say, if i had the money to blow i'd buy one myself, why not, they certainly work, not disputing that for a second. I'm jsut that person who sees a box and thinks i can do it cheaper because for me my man hours are not costed, for the folk making it they have to take into account labour, maintaining the website, warehouse, you name it, so when i say rip off i simply mean rip off with regard to what i can do myself :) nNot trying to bash on a global scale, just a personal opinion of it.

I do indeed plan to build my own house, or more accurately, i want to find one of these no celing no floor husks of an old house and do it up from scratch, love that stuff, way too much time on my hands to have someone do things for me.


Well-Known Member
what kind of light do you have in that cab? no offense but that doesn't look anywhere near 19oz. right there. those buds are super tiny. that's what they call "popcorn." i'm not trying to be a dick cause CAB growers or commercial growers are all growers to me. do what you gotta do. just saying, those are the buds i throw to the side and use to make hash with. lol.
Building a ballas and a grow box are entirely different arguments. One would require extensive knowldge of electronics, the other basic common sense and the ability to use a drill and saw etc.

I will not deny i am a stingy person, in the sense that i have always had the kind of mind that realises that i can do it myself for much cheaper be it computers, decorating, you name it, i'm just one of these overly practical people, i have a twin who is almost the polar oposit, it's like we both stole various traits in the womb and left none for the other, i have this and he has that, we work well as a unit but apart we both fall flat on our faces in certain respects :D. Please don't take my opinion as a universal thingymajig :) As i say, if i had the money to blow i'd buy one myself, why not, they certainly work, not disputing that for a second. I'm jsut that person who sees a box and thinks i can do it cheaper because for me my man hours are not costed, for the folk making it they have to take into account labour, maintaining the website, warehouse, you name it, so when i say rip off i simply mean rip off with regard to what i can do myself :) nNot trying to bash on a global scale, just a personal opinion of it.

I do indeed plan to build my own house, or more accurately, i want to find one of these no celing no floor husks of an old house and do it up from scratch, love that stuff, way too much time on my hands to have someone do things for me.
Now that I both understand and agree with! More power to you sir :clap:
what kind of light do you have in that cab? no offense but that doesn't look anywhere near 19oz. right there. those buds are super tiny. that's what they call "popcorn." i'm not trying to be a dick cause CAB growers or commercial growers are all growers to me. do what you gotta do. just saying, those are the buds i throw to the side and use to make hash with. lol.
It's a 600w light. If this is super tiny, or popcorn, or hash material;


Then I hope I can get to your level someday.


New Member
You work with what you got I guess. Looks good. I just couldn't see growing unless I can get my 1-2 lbs every harvest.


New Member
He's just a hater...I guess I invited them with the thread title! :wall: I just hope someone out there understands what I was getting at. I exposed myself by putting up some pics and am feeling pretty stupid for doing it now.
If you'd just be honest about your yields I don't think you would of got so much shit. You and I and everyone here knows you got neither 14 or 19 ozs from that setup.
If you'd just be honest about your yields I don't think you would of got so much shit. You and I and everyone here knows you got neither 14 or 19 ozs from that setup.
Honest about my yields??? :finger:

.65 gpw and .88 gpw

Good, fuck ya. Commercial strain, you bet. Dense nugs, check. I'll take video and weigh the whole thing on camera next run...I'll make sure you get a copy.


Well-Known Member
0.9gpw is very nice. i can't hate on that. i just don't see it in those tiny buds you got going there. i get over 1gpw consistently and my buds don't look anything like those little guys. one day i'm sure you'll be on my level...i'll just be several levels ahead. :-P no one ever said pimpin was easy!

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