? for anyone,have you herd of put n a birthcontrol pill in the res dureing flowering


New Member
yeah i heard of this but i thought it was to keep the plants from turning into male? i will ask my friend he asked if i was going to do that
yeah i heard of this but i thought it was to keep the plants from turning into male? i will ask my friend he asked if i was going to do that
great ... i'd love to know! i read it in a book but it didnt say anything about it helping them not to turn on you. now that i think about it.... it didn't much of anything of whay it did for her but to drop one tab in ther. thanx bro!!

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Mel Thomas mentions about growers who grow ornamental plants put birth control pills in thier plants to increase size of blooms and flowers....personally, I wouldn't do it!! I seen orchid farmers do this and it works but they don't end up smoking or ingesting thier plants!! Alohas:)


Well-Known Member
This estrogen subject is not taken very well in the cannabis world, it is doubted and quite hated and bashed as anything new and understudied would be. Just look at our nations history and world history...was the theory of Earth being spherical taken well...no. Galleleo was persecuted and disowned because of this finding. I could go on and on about Great scientists and theorist and their findings bit this is not the place to do so.
I have replied to a similar thread on the estrogen/norestrogen topic and was bashed just as quickly as I completed my post! There are many individuals here in this website who are dissimilar to change and will come out and say "your full of shit" so I do not see the positive outcome to paste any findings that I have found concerning hormones on plants, those who are interested will find a way to contact me in order to find factual insights on this topic and believe me, the proof and findings are astounding and greatly rewarding!


Well-Known Member
look ma, no estrogen. :lol: IMG_3695.jpg

i'm a firm believer in, ... "if you need 'magic potions', you're doing it wrong in the first place."

a little food, a little water, a decent medium and LOTS of love.


Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
This is from a dispensary owner in California:

I know that I did trials with this under extreme controlled forms and we found that out of our three trials with 10 plants each, 10 with, ten without, we saw no such development. We did these experiments for three turns, diffrent times, diffrent feeding of the hormones, diffrent lighting and nutrients combined with the hormones. We could not see any of those results you talk about. Sorry but I do not believe it was about the hormones in your case.

We also found that when my friend tested oil extracted from the plants at his work, there were traces of the hormones even after we flushed the soil during 2 weeks prior to harvest.


Global Moderator
Staff member
i'm a firm believer in, ... "if you need 'magic potions', you're doing it wrong in the first place."
But every newb is convinced that they will find the "Silver bullet" of growing if they try enough weird crap.
A bar of red soap comes to mind.


Well-Known Member
There is so much of that here in rollitup, it's not even funny! Just look at how twisted up a member of this community got me in the very first thread on the topic or search of "estrogen," a guy be the name of Panhead actually got me to the point of telling him to kill himself! PeoPle like that should stay on twitter or facebook if all they want to do is character bash.