For Medicinal Use Only


Active Member
Good Evening All

I am actually about 78 days into my grow but I wanted to do the grow journal to document my progress and hopefully get input from the vets :blsmoke:.
So I am going to start with the fact this was a totally random grow. It was spring and I was planting everything I could get my hands on and I came across a tiny bag of a mixture of seeds that we had collected over the past 3 or 4 years. I had peat pots, so what the hell.
Not knowing if any of the seed was alive I put 6-10 seeds in each pot (again I know not what I do)
well this is what I got a few days later.

I transplanted them after a few days into a gallon container with several plants in each.

Basically I just let them stay outside until they filled the pot

I put them on a 12 hour florecent and 12 hour sunshine to force sex them.

It's a BOY! Pretty but he died shorty after this picture was taken, sacrificed for the greater good...:cry:

Is'nt she lovely?

My set up:

  1. Planted on April 15 in peat pots
  2. Gallon plastic containers
  3. M*Grow moisture control potting mix.
  4. Hawaiian sunshine and fresh water
I am not using any kind of fertilizers or chemicals. Nature's best is all they are getting. :weed:


Active Member
Can anyone help, this baby is getting beautiful, and I think it's a sativa, but... I know not what I do....
All help appreciated, She's 42" tall and budding out all down the branches. Every day it gets taller and bushier.
Some of the branches are already too heavy to hold them self up. :peace:



Active Member
what week flowering are they there

they are enjoying the sun,,, what strain isit?
:peace: ALOHA! Caliboy,

Honestly, I have no idea. This was a collection of bag seeds that we accumulated over 3 or 4 years. I just got a "wild hair" to see if anything would grow and here we are... and I am walking blind. I have no idea other than basic gardening. They get bigger every day, I just give them some water, Hawaii's fresh water is the best, and talk to them every morning.
I did re pot them at day 60. I gave them 5 gal pots to streach thier legs. I know they don't like to be root bound. That will kill them quicker than most anything.
They survived the trauma of being separated twice they should survive anything.
Good and bad: I had a herm seed most ALL of them BUT! I look at it as I have a 2nd gen seed that could be heartier. So we'll see what happens with the next grow.


Well-Known Member
ya growing in Hawaii is the best natural climiate a marijuana plant would want.. and the sun is stronger than any indoor light..

that plant is going to yield a gooood bit..
i like to spend time with my planys 2 its very relaxing, except my outdoor one is being eaten alive, i hope it lives i want to smoke on that grew naturaly

growing the weed is the most exciting gardening to do:joint::blsmoke:


Active Member
All taken today, just now.. so this is what we look like on day 82, not sure when we began "flowering" because each plant has matured at it's own pace. "again, I know not what i do" :blsmoke:




Active Member



The girls are growing up nicely. I still have no idea what the one is but it has grown 4 inches in 3 days. I have never seen a plant this big, so I can't help but be impressed. and it just keeps getting bigger....
They are getting nothing special but good fresh water and sunshine. Everyone is getting frosty and the hairs are starting to turn a bit. I do have a question, does anyone know how many days total from seed to harvest?
Or is it just by the look of the buds? I did cut 2 of them on the 80th day, just to sample. They are drying and we'll see if mission accomplished in a few weeks.
Enjoy the pictures. I have taken over 300 over the last 86 days :mrgreen:


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Well-Known Member
harvest is totally at your bidding.... usually as they get on in their flowering cycle their pistils change from white to golden brown or red... and you may notice that overnight the buds swelled up huge.... thats when to harvest... or like the day after.... it all depends on what kind it is, what the conditions have been, how long its been flowering, what the buds look like, and what your trying to get out of it all.... happy growing....


Active Member
Can anyone help, this baby is getting beautiful, and I think it's a sativa, but... I know not what I do....
All help appreciated, She's 42" tall and budding out all down the branches. Every day it gets taller and bushier.
Some of the branches are already too heavy to hold them self up. :peace:
So here it is taken a day or so ago. It's even taller today, the two side branches are almost as long as the top cola is tall, filling in nicely too. As most of you know I had an :evil:herm... arg! That seeded the majority of my grow. I was hoping this one had been spared but unfortunatly not the case, I have already picked seeds off off the underneath. BUT! It seems all the new growth may have been SPARED! So that makes me happy but what makes me sad; I was SOOOOOO careful and I really sat back and watched the damn thing flower out and was so proud... Now I KNOW what "Flowering" REALLY MEANS.... but you only learn by the mistakes you make. So onward.

Last night I decided that I had a couple just about ready to harvest, so I went ahead and trimmed all the extra leaf off and gave it a good long drink of water.
  1. Has anyone ever done this or have you just waited until the leaves fell off?
  2. Should I stop watering before I cut? and if so for how long? until the pot is dry?​
They seem to have swelled up over night! and the lower buds are even turning a bit this morning. The morning sunshine has made them very happy. So I will wait a few more days to cut them and watch what happens.
Taking pictures daily. :joint:I really wish there was a slide show application on here we could use! hint hint hint:joint:
Okay take a look and tell me what you think :peace:


satman rocks

Well-Known Member
Looking really good there have rediscovered what quite a few people here have forgotten...It is a weed,given the basics,it will flourish...sorry about your hermie tho,better luck on the next go are gonna save you some seeds,right?


Active Member
Looking really good there have rediscovered what quite a few people here have forgotten...It is a weed,given the basics,it will flourish...sorry about your hermie tho,better luck on the next go are gonna save you some seeds,right?

Thanks! They look better every day.
I have tons of seed:mrgreen:

The one lady is a sativa and the bottom half had seeds but the top new growth is seedFREE! She is over 50" tall today and loaded. It looks like a christmas tree all frosty. So that seed will be a mix of indica & sativa should make for an interesting plant. Can't wait.

Topped 8 plants at 90 days. The underneath was so happy to get some sun, they bushed out over night.

I was told the hermie's seed will produce hermmies so I may toss all that seed. Unless I find out otherwise. I may just try to grow a few & see. But that one got by me by hiding his balls... lol Next time I will know not to look for "flowers" lol! damn newbie.... :mrgreen:

Thanks for the comments! thought I was alone out here
:blsmoke: I am astonished at all the work people put into this growing. I haven't really done much but give them Hawaiian sunshine & water and some love of course.
I am lucky I have no real neigbors and the water is my back yard. I just let them grow....
This is my first time so I am amazed every day at how they change and mature each day.

*just watching the "Grass Grow" :peace:

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
Just the growing itself can be very satisfying...but the harvest is always better...hermie seeds will carry that genetic trait...It is said that hermie seeds will tend to be female,but with the genetics to be hermie,it seems that it wouldn't take much stress to make them flip....not a geneticist here tho...if I had plenty,trash em