For Obama Supporters...


Well-Known Member
republicrats and demopublicans are one in the same. They all want the same things just use different rhetoric. Obama is going to continue working toward a global pax americana
Just like Dubya, and Mccain if he were to get into office.


Well-Known Member
Listen fellas we can go back and forth on who's what and which side is the right side bloods or crips (ooops I mean democrats or republicans) but the truth of the matter is both side are shady as hell and as for the president Its time for a change even if the change is only color and Obama does what all other presidents before him did which ain't much but be a figure head for a band of warlords called Americans... Way I figure is (and of course I'm an educated black man not nearly as frightening to most as my "hood counterparts) You white guys have had your chance going all the way back to our 1st president John Hanson 1781-1782 (not G.W. like most think, actually there were 7 presidents before Washington, he was just the 1st under the constitution as it is today) to get ti right, and some have and many others have failed but its about time to see if our "HNIC" can do something special. Hell he can't be too oftely much worst than the regime before him...


Well-Known Member
Just an FYI gentlemen contrary to what you've heard from some of us weed smokers, since 1964 (when we expelled trade with Cuba) there has only been 2 years that more marijuana crossed our border than cocaine both of them were in the 70's Now I know that we are specifically talking about Mexico, but read between the line Mexico grows one product marijuana and they are right next door Cuba's national product is Cocaine the numbers look like this of the $65Billion dollars of REPORTED that the South American drug trade was worth in 2007 39 of it was Coke, 11 was Herion, 11 was marijuana... So fellas please dont be fooled into thinking anyone and I do mean ANYONE is concerned with the smoke that makes its was across out border... and I'm sure that with 420 being a hot button item gubment people will have you believing that "our big problem is weed" I assure you its not so when we talk about drug trafficking rest assured its not the smoke that they are concerned about turning away...

P.S. While I am not the biggest fan of war a lot of our economy is dependent upon it... I'm not sure if you've read this but looks like Iran is next on the "get fucked up by America list" So while all the protesters stand out side and march about bringing home the troops just remember this : THATS WHAT THEY SIGNED UP FOR, and while I keep them in my prayers and I truly appreciate the job they do I do not feel like most who say "the troops need to be home"

With all that said I am still voting for Obama and heres why does it matter that he voted for war or against border control or that his Pastor is racist? Not really because he's still the best candidate hands down... when you watch tv do you always get to watch your absolute favorite programs? NO you don't but you check the listings and see whats on and you go with the best choice... ala Obama "08"
:joint::peace::joint::peace:...good post +rep