For those of you on a budget...


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know how to wire these into a standard wall plug?

You will have three wires when you get it in. There will be a green,black, and white wire. Buy a heavy duty extension cord and cut off the female end. You will then see green, black and white wires. Just match up the wires and you are set


Well-Known Member
I just bought two of them....what a find...I've been scrounging around Dallas looking for remodle jobs that might be throwing out Flo's~~ The gas I wasted today, I coulda bought a third!!! LMAO!!

Its easy to wire them up, cut off a heavy duty ext cords "FEMALE" plug about 4 inches back, and just splice wire to wire...follow the colored dots! Black to Black...White to white, and Green to green


Well-Known Member
I just bought the last one...they dropped the price to $25 shipped. If anything, I have a new spotlight for my back yard. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
$16.24 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25.
Hm... there was a growing book I was gonna order this weekend.. =)

Has anyone found any site to verify lumen output on this particular item?


Well-Known Member
Everyone selling 150w HPS grow lights is claiming 16,000 lumens from their bulbs. Not too impressive for a HPS but its only 150w after all...


Well-Known Member
Forget it, I already emailed the manufacturer of this specific product to get the photometric lumen output of this light.. I'll post their reply when I get one...


Well-Known Member
I've already got it....... its 1570 each........ I checked out the VERY same lamp at another site that was selling for 89.oo, their specs said 15700~


Well-Known Member
Yeah Amazon is wierd like that...prices AND shipping fluctuate. If I see something on there that is a steal, and a lot of the times they are steals, I buy it that day. Tough luck, keep looking and I'm sure you'll find something...;-)


Well-Known Member
Both lights came in on schedule/.....went to Lowes this am and bought a 40 watt....1800 lumen bulb....turned it on and started checking temp/ph in the room, & at about 5 oclock, UPS shows up.......
Turned on the first lamp........150 watt/18000 lumens....and i squinted.....
Ran the other light in series, turned it on.........
MY GAWD!!!!! I had ta put on shades!!!!!
I've done flo grows...................4x 8ft T12's, x2= ?????
But this ROCKS!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
i think using 7 would make it a lot hotter than one 1000w. With seven, the heat is spread out over a much broader area, the 1000w, while obviously creating more indiviual heat, is concentrated. does it give a spectrum or a kelv. rating?