For those of you who grow in a forest..


Well-Known Member
Be careful. People are suspicious and all cops aren't as dumb you'd hope for. Good luck, but I'd recommend even a stealth cabinet/closet


Active Member
when i plan to start growing outdoor which should be soon ill prlly bring a hoe, the mixed soil and a chain saww -__-

DJ Redrum

Active Member
If you've having a problem with finding a local area, check around on Google Earth is quite useful.
All you need is a rucksack, a foldable spade, some form of cover helps for the pests ect. and water supply to start with.

How many are you wanting to grow? 1 trip per plant should be plenty for the soil amount needed.

Juan Valdez

Active Member
Redrum, is right on the money! google earth, pack, foldable shovel, a stream and lots of trips! I use a mountain bike