for those who despise hydro


Well-Known Member
which is better??? well that depends on your circumstances and what you're willing to sacrifice.

also i think that unless you've done all successfully (dwc, aero, coco, soiless, soil) you can't give an unbiased opinion.

medical marijuana means it must be organic. this is very hard to do in hydro even when using formulated "organic"nutes with added ph buffers and stable catalysts. have even gone so far as to incorporate organic into recirculating dwc grow, instead of clay balls using coco chunks, brewing teas directly in control bucket.

i have gone full circle, soil to hydro to aero to coco and back to soil. most weight came from hydro tables, most root mass came from aero, best microbial and fungal growth with best tasting meds came from coco and soil.

like i said it's about what you're willing to sacrifice. my conscience won't let me provide patients or myself with non-organic meds. sure i sacrifice some weight in the end but it's worth it.

ask anyone who has had the pleasure of smoking (and cultivating) well grown organics to compare and they'll laugh at you. "o that, thats the shit we send out of state" they'll say.

and heads up for all you non-knowing up and comers. the market is more flooded than it's ever fucking been. sure not if you live in kansas but in cali people are dropping weight at unheard of prices.

mark my words, in 2 years time organics will be THE market. all the coolaid mixers are fucked!:clap:


Well-Known Member
hydro is WAY compicated?

FALSE. hydro is quite simple with a LIL thought and a realist plan fer ur growing goals.its simple science of growing without soil.

hydro doesnt produce the smell/aroma of soil??

FALSE. this is a touchy subject so well treat softly, while it can be more challenging to achieve full bodied taste and aroma, it CAN b done. some strains actually enjoy and YIELD higher in hydro than soil (they should post that on the seedbanks)! while sum vetrans from soil will contest that they can match the yields, hydro grows can argue that they get more flavor and aroma from hydro.

hydro produce r all full of chemicals?

FALSE. nutrients come in all shapes and sizes, growers can certainly grow purely organic in hydro, as a technique known as "BIO-ponics"

hydro produce LESS nutrition?

FALSE. if u feed them well they will feed u right back, JUST as good.

root systems DONT thrive in hydro?

FALSE. root systems tend to b smaller in hyrdo than soil, NOT because they dont thrive tho strikly because they r doing WAY less work to dig throo water than dirt!

(MY FAV) ALL MY FRIENDS r growing in soil, so i should too?

FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE. growers learn from other growers, BUT just because womeone u kno is doin soil DOES NOT mean u should OR need to. the past ten years there have been TONS of new mixes of guanos, and wat not in all kinds of new soils, to b more airatedd, and made from BETTER sources of organic materials. HOWEVER a good hydro grow will produce a higher yeild, and wen done properly, BETTER tsate and aroma.

Nice post.


Well-Known Member
fuzzybuds makes a good point if u do it right u can have higher yields but if u dont know what ur doing u can fuk it up real quick and effect ur yield..and the aroma is just as strong when i grow hydroponically and the taste is pretty much the same..just a little smoother smoke when grown in soil (in my opinion) me my plants grew a little faster least one did and the other didnt like hydro to much so it is kind of strain specific when growing hydroponically or some strains just do better then others


Well-Known Member
which is better??? well that depends on your circumstances and what you're willing to sacrifice.

also i think that unless you've done all successfully (dwc, aero, coco, soiless, soil) you can't give an unbiased opinion.

medical marijuana means it must be organic. this is very hard to do in hydro even when using formulated "organic"nutes with added ph buffers and stable catalysts. have even gone so far as to incorporate organic into recirculating dwc grow, instead of clay balls using coco chunks, brewing teas directly in control bucket.

i have gone full circle, soil to hydro to aero to coco and back to soil. most weight came from hydro tables, most root mass came from aero, best microbial and fungal growth with best tasting meds came from coco and soil.

like i said it's about what you're willing to sacrifice. my conscience won't let me provide patients or myself with non-organic meds. sure i sacrifice some weight in the end but it's worth it.

ask anyone who has had the pleasure of smoking well grown organics to compare and they'll laugh at you. "o that, thats the shit we send out of state" they'll say.

and heads up for all you non-knowing up and comers. the market is more flooded than it's ever fucking been. sure not if you live in kansas but in cali people are dropping weight at unheard of prices.

mark my words, in 2 years time organics will be THE market. all the coolaid mixers are fucked!:clap:
i dont know about all that..i just got some bomb ass GDP hydro from the club the other day and it was hella bomb..they didnt ship that out of not hating on organic grows just sayin..i dont know about all that


Well-Known Member
hydro can be great with the right grower, no disputing that. hydro w/ synthetics still contains residual carcinogens (cancer causing in large doses). have seen super bomb organic hydro that would give soil organics run for the money. then again organics for me is more than cultivating plant but cultivating soil to build up beneficial microbes that account for medicinal qualities of bud we're only beginning to understand. sustainability is now somewhat tainted as a "green marketing" term but there will be a day when growers will need to rely on their knowledge of building nutes from materials around them and not measuring them out by color ratio. growing weed is good business but sooner or later you might need to be able to grow your own veggies without relying on gh to tell you how, or better yet spend 5x as much for name brand organics. when the legalization bomb hits (cali) and everyone starts growing (you thought it was bad now) only the true organics will stand out in a stagnant sea of beasters.

ps bioponics is the hydro answer, its all about the beneficial microbes for restoring our lost relationship with the food and meds we grow.


Well-Known Member
which is better??? well that depends on your circumstances and what you're willing to sacrifice.

also i think that unless you've done all successfully (dwc, aero, coco, soiless, soil) you can't give an unbiased opinion.

medical marijuana means it must be organic. this is very hard to do in hydro even when using formulated "organic"nutes with added ph buffers and stable catalysts. have even gone so far as to incorporate organic into recirculating dwc grow, instead of clay balls using coco chunks, brewing teas directly in control bucket.

i have gone full circle, soil to hydro to aero to coco and back to soil. most weight came from hydro tables, most root mass came from aero, best microbial and fungal growth with best tasting meds came from coco and soil.

like i said it's about what you're willing to sacrifice. my conscience won't let me provide patients or myself with non-organic meds. sure i sacrifice some weight in the end but it's worth it.

ask anyone who has had the pleasure of smoking well grown organics to compare and they'll laugh at you. "o that, thats the shit we send out of state" they'll say.

and heads up for all you non-knowing up and comers. the market is more flooded than it's ever fucking been. sure not if you live in kansas but in cali people are dropping weight at unheard of prices.

mark my words, in 2 years time organics will be THE market. all the coolaid mixers are fucked!:clap:
hydro produce r all full of chemicals?

FALSE. nutrients come in all shapes and sizes, growers can certainly grow purely organic in hydro, as a technique known as "BIO-ponics"

this is ORGANIC hydro OG?? BOUGHT from a MEDICAL clinic??

Just grow better than them! lol.

Umm it ALREADY does actually, pick up a copy of this months maximum yield, or ever urban garden, youll figure it out.


Well-Known Member
I for one won't ever do hydro again...nothing wrong with it. It just didn't agree with my lifestyle. I also think that plants will grow faster, and bigger, using DWC methods, but this isn't always a good thing. Maturity counts for something. Compare the taste of hydroponically grown tomatoes, to organic comparison. Weed is no different.

LOL...the difference in the taste, and the overall richness of the smoke, makes organic soil grows superior in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
I for one won't ever do hydro again...nothing wrong with it. It just didn't agree with my lifestyle. I also think that plants will grow faster, and bigger, using DWC methods, but this isn't always a good thing. Maturity counts for something. Compare the taste of hydroponically grown tomatoes, to organic comparison. Weed is no different.

LOL...the difference in the taste, and the overall richness of the smoke, makes organic soil grows superior in my opinion.
ONCE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..

hydro doesnt produce the smell/aroma of soil??

FALSE. this is a touchy subject so well treat softly, while it can be more challenging to achieve full bodied taste and aroma, it CAN b done. some strains actually enjoy and YIELD higher in hydro than soil (they should post that on the seedbanks)! while sum vetrans from soil will contest that they can match the yields, hydro grows can argue that they get more flavor and aroma from hydro.

dont MAKE ME say it again!! lol.


Well-Known Member
WOW, u must not have EVER used hydro if u think this.:lol: VERY closed minded of u not to see the difference between the skills involved, i use DWC with NO PH METER. my plant is beautiful, OH and ive never owned OR used a PH meter. it is MUCH cleaner by the way.
ONCE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..
hydro doesnt produce the smell/aroma of soil??

FALSE. this is a touchy subject so well treat softly, while it can be more challenging to achieve full bodied taste and aroma, it CAN b done. some strains actually enjoy and YIELD higher in hydro than soil (they should post that on the seedbanks)! while sum vetrans from soil will contest that they can match the yields, hydro grows can argue that they get more flavor and aroma from hydro.

dont MAKE ME say it again!! lol.
i agreed with you on some of your arguments, but your lack of experience leads me to believe you're regurgitating stuff you've read or heard (no offense).
i quote, "i use DWC with NO PH METER", and "my plant is beautiful, OH and ive never owned OR used a PH meter".

i've grown in dwc under 4k (anywhere from 1-6 plants /k) with organic nutes. from that i know maintaining the ph and ppm's is essential. it seems you're giving advice on organic dro vs organic soil based on personal trial and error but i only see objective opinion based on lack of exp. on a whole...

also for the record i don't despise hydro, i spent just over 4 years in various forms of water culture. i just really like brewing microbial and fungal teas and top feeding with drip tube. my results are posted...
